Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1909: Sanyin Snake Burst

You Yuan was the first to react, his face moved slightly, Luo Xi and Luo Yi's eyes narrowed, and a **** light flashed away.

A few days ago, the incident in the Southern Cloud Region had hit them too much, and Luo Yi just took the opportunity to escape.

Who would have thought that because of one person, the entire plan of the Southern Cloud Region would be destroyed.

And now, if that young man destroys their plan here, then they will definitely not give up.

Counting it all, there are three strong masters of good fortune here, and there are also those who don't know whether they will appear or not. All these are the background of Luo Xi brothers and others.

It was too late to say that it was fast, because there was something in the Southern Cloud Region, You Yuan was afraid that You Zheng and You Bao would have an accident, and shouted, "Let's go in!"

When Brother Luo Xi saw this, he waved and everyone immediately followed.

They came together to prevent such things from happening, so of course they would join hands.

The only difference is that if Xiao Yu hadn't come before, they would naturally have to deal with Ji Yunzhuo's master of the Ji family, but now, they have only become the Ji family power led by Xiao Yu.

Go back to Ji's house.

When the battle started, it was very fast. After a moment of surprise, You Gang and You Bao suddenly rallied.

"Not bad! Give me another blow!"

You Zheng sneered, his five fingers waved in the void, and the countless spiritual energy of the world around him turned into black waves of air and continuously entangled his fingers.

Strangely, these black auras kept swarming in. Although the aura was not very big, it was even countless times smaller than the cold palm just now, but it was not underestimated at all.

In just a moment, three black lines appeared on his fingers, only the same size as his little finger.

"Taste my'Sanyin Snake Burst'!"

You Jiang sneered, and his five fingers were directly thrown at Xiao Yu. The three pitch-black little snakes shot at Xiao Yu, and the sky glowed with white light, which was extremely strange.

Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed slightly, these three pitch-black little snakes, but the power that condensed and compressed the mighty heaven and earth spiritual power was inside.

Although it has shrunk dozens of times or more than a hundred times the normal offensive, its condensed power is much stronger than the original supernatural power offensive just now, and it still stimulates three ways at the same time.

The western region of the tomb is based on the ruins of the ancient times. Naturally, the magical powers here are biased towards the gloomy death.

Xiao Yu could deeply feel that if the power contained in these three little snakes really broke out, they could definitely kill a peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

The first level of good fortune is also strong and powerful.

Just like Batu.

Batu was fostered by the seedlings and was forced to upgrade his cultivation base by the magic cultivation secret method. He had no foundation at all and had a lot of water.

But You Zheng is not the same.

This number of ten years of skill cultivation, combined with the skill of descendants of the ancient times, makes You's masters no less inferior to the seven major sects.

Naturally, Xiao Yu must also start paying attention.

"The sky is the month!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered with a red light, and there was a kind of unrestrained self-consciousness in his gestures.

He lifted the weight lightly, with a gleam of sword light, completely natural, sharp as a purple light from the sky, bringing up a confused fog, as if being in a misty rain, and slashing with a free gesture.


After the three small black snakes were cut by Xiao Yu's sword light, they suddenly exploded in the air.


With a radius of several hundred meters, the entire Ji’s mansion was turned into a little smoke and swept away...

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