Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1912: Massacre

Xiao Yu was like a priest in charge of the formation, standing there, waving his sword, pointing the country, and without hesitation, he took away a piece of life.

You Yuan, You Zheng, You Leopard, Luo Xi, and Luo Yi, as these five people saw this **** and cruel scene in their respective defensive covers, their pupils suddenly shrank.

They couldn't even imagine that this mere sword pose could burst out so frightening that they could chase their souls in the blink of an eye.

He is just a small achievement in the Heavenly Spirit Realm! !

In just a moment, all the masters of the You Family and the blood refining sects were all destroyed!

They immediately turned their heads, their eyes full of bloodshot eyes, one after another, their eyes were cracked, glaring with anger, and blue veins on their foreheads.

This time they finally understood who they were facing.

This person is just a killer!

From afar, Ji Yining and others saw this scene, all with fear and horror.

"Ok... terrible..." Gu Zhou muttered to himself.

He had never imagined that the power of one person could reach such a level of heaven.

Could this young man be a murderous **** from the sky?

Ji Yining's mouth was pale, looking at that figure, the attitude of looking up became more intense.

He has looked up to Xiao Yu since the beginning of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Going to Hundred Medicine Valley, he knew that he could only look up at this young man in this life, and even thought that he was lucky to be able to make friends with this person.

And now, he actually felt like seeing a god.

He saw a star rising up, he saw the man, it was Longyou Shoal, one day, he would fly for nine days and soar thousands of miles.

"Xiao Yu!!!"

You Yuan was furious and trembling all over, they now want to take Xiao Yu's skin and eat Xiao Yu's meat to vent their hatred.

"Do you think this is the end?"

Xiao Yu was like a butcher in charge of life and death. With a wave of his wrist, the Nebula stirred again, turning into a misty color, filled with dazzling colors.

A wave of sword style is shrouded again!

"Boom boom boom!"

The countless sword auras are far more terrifying than the Ten Thousand Great Mountains. It is shrouded in such a way that it seems that ten thousand ants bite, directly breaking Yu Yuan's hundred layers of defense, and also eroding Luo Xi's **** tornado.

In less than a moment, You Yuan's pupils shrank, and his 100 layers of defense were shattered, and they were broken in a flash.

At the same time, Luo Xi's **** energy mask was also eroded away.

Jian Qi is directly located on them.

"Don't think about it!!!"

You Yuan roared violently, black light rose into the sky, Luo Xi's eyes flashed with astonishing red light, and countless auras also erupted, forming a whirlpool.


Among the people present, You Yuan and Luo Xi are the strongest, both of which are the double cultivation bases of the Good Fortune Realm, which is the same strength as the original Demon Cultivator.

But the two heavenly spirit realms, You Leopard and Luo Yi, were no better.

Countless sword qi, as if ten thousand arrows pierced through the heart, tore through their energy shields, and left many scars on them.

Luo Xi, who was Xiaocheng in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, was the most miserable. One of his hands became bones on the spot. The scars on his body were terrifying, and the intestines in his abdomen were left on the spot.

And You Leopard, who is in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, is not much better. There are hundreds of scars all over his body, with internal organs and bones visible.

You Jiang, the Great Fortune Realm One Heavy, was a little better, but his face was still pale, his wounds penetrated his internal organs, and he was immortal.

Finally, the lingering prestige of the flowing cloud star cover disappeared, and an area of ​​hundreds of meters in a radius of hundreds of meters has formed a gloomy place like a graveyard.

The **** air was permeated, and countless fragments were scattered all over the place.

You Yuan and Luo Xi were completely covered by a shadow.

The air of death enveloped a field, and the remaining few people were completely shaken by the scene just now.

Is this person a demon?

"It's a pity, none of this will kill you, but then, you will have no chance." Xiao Yu said softly, his eyes, like looking down at the people, shaking the world and weeping ghosts.


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