Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1924: Blood refining three underworld!

As soon as the voice fell, with Ji Yunzhuo as the center, three black 100-meter gates suddenly appeared within a range of 500 meters.

The door presents a black void, which looks gloomy and terrifying.

And at this moment, within the range of 500 meters, violent sand was suddenly rolled, flying sand and rocks, countless sand and petrification turned into a storm to spin inside, and immediately swept to a height of hundreds of meters.

From a distance, the terrifying sandstorm can almost strangle people into pieces.

Ji Yunzhuo was like a big enemy, and when he was surrounded by the center of the dust of hundreds of meters, his face was dignified.

Especially the three dark gates that looked like an abyss black hole, made him feel a gloomy and terrifying taste.

"What magical power is this?"

Everyone from far away was shocked when they saw this scene.

They are a full kilometer away from the battlefield, but they still feel the scene of wild killing, the monstrous dust and breath constantly surging in all directions.

Especially when Ji Yunzhuo seemed to be trapped in a five-hundred-meter range of magical powers, their hearts began to worry.

"Luo Xi is the sect master of the blood refining sect, this person is extremely talented, he founded the blood refining sect at the age of 20, ten years into the top ten of the second-rate sect."

"Yeah! Almost no one has seen him make a move, only that he is from the Southern Cloud Region, but many people are wondering whether the blood refining sect is backed by any big power, otherwise a little genius, no matter how great the ability, think Is it impossible to establish a position alongside those old-fashioned second-rate forces?"

“Needless to say, the seven sects, those veteran second-rate forces are qualified to fight against the seven sects! How could they see the rise of such a power? Think about it, isn’t the Hongyue Sect a dozen years ago? Is this an example?"

"Hongyue Sect's mismanagement is not good, and there is no sense of crisis. An ordinary disciple wears Heavenly Grade swordsmanship, and it was later learned that the chance of the Hongyue Sect's Sect Master came from the Kaishan Sect Master of Xuanjian Pavilion. If Jiange doesn't do anything, the sect may be replaced."

"Yes! But this blood refining sect is powerful. It has been quiet for ten years, has little friction with the outside world, and is low-key. It is heard that it has gradually been targeted in the past two years, and it has gradually become known to people, even the second-rate sect. The lord came to challenge and was beaten away. If there is no background, I would not believe it!"

While these people were discussing like this, in the venue, a vision reappeared.

Among the three dark doors, three **** mists suddenly swarmed out.

The blood mist became more and more dense, exuding a **** and brutal atmosphere, and then, the three blood mists transformed into three blood-red ghosts.

If you look closely, you can find that within these three **** ghosts, there are countless reduced versions of things that look like human heads!

The densely crowded heads look terrifying and creepy.


For a time, the yin wind screamed, and the souls were desperate for their lives, and hundreds of meters around were filled with a world of purgatory like dead souls.

Everyone was stunned.

Ji Yunzhuo in the battle circle, feeling the silver and fierce blood from the **** ghost, he couldn't help but move.

Just as Xiao Yu felt this way, his mind suddenly sank.

This is a breath of blood sacrifice!

The blood sacrifice is the breath of sacrifice with living people, Xiao Yu had felt it on the fire spirit beast at that time!

Unexpectedly, he felt the same here!

"Hehe, Ji Yunzhuo, let you taste it. Over the past ten years, the supernatural powers refined by the blood and souls of more than a thousand people!"

" beast!!!"

Ji Yunzhuo's eyes were shocked, this is a magical power that has been transformed by thousands of lives!

This is simply an evil way driven by life!

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