Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1927: He can't kill me

Xiao Yu whispered: "You will die if you pass."

"So what? Let my father be killed? That is my father's cultivation base and blood!"

Ji Yining's brain was blank at this time.

As an array mage, the induction is much stronger than that of ordinary people, especially for his father, there is a blood-linked induction in it!

But now, Ji Yining actually sensed that Ji Yunzhuo's life was constantly being lost, and at the same time, his cultivation base and bloodline power were constantly being drawn!

How could Ji Yining be indifferent to seeing his father in this situation?

"Let me do it."

Xiao Yu left these words, and then he stepped out, but Ji Yining never made a fuss. He was shocked to grab Xiao Yu and exclaimed: "Xiao Yu, are you crazy?"

In his opinion, his father's triple cultivation base of Good Fortune Realm was already very powerful, but he was still defeated in the face of Luo Xi! And it's still a face-to-face!

He knew that Xiao Yu was very powerful, and from the shot just now, the power of a sword had already slaughtered so many people.

However, Ji Yining is not stupid at all. On the contrary, because he is a soul cultivator and is familiar with Xiao Yu, he knows, or feels, that Xiao Yu can do this with the cultivation base of Xiaocheng in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. For sake, it's already a top!

Just ask, how can the ordinary Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng fight against the Good Fortune Realm?

Although, in the shot just now, You Yuan, Luo Xi, and the two defensive moves were about to fail, but no matter what, they still avoided them.

He was already very shocked to be able to push two strong masters of good fortune realm to such a situation.

But now?

Obviously, Luo Xi's real strength is now!

He could clearly sense that the other party's three major doors and the ghost image were not simple magical powers at all!

That's magical power!

One more thing, he was already very pleased that Xiao Yu was able to come, but would he still want Xiao Yu to die for them?

But Xiao Yu did turn around and chuckled softly: "He can't kill me."

Ji Yining didn't realize that a kind of murderous intent was brewing in the young boy's relaxed smile.

You Yuan over there looked at the wolf cavalry leader who was constantly losing battle and being torn apart. He knew that the threat from the Ji family was contact.

However, most of his mind at this time was not on these. His main attention was on the battlefield between Luo Xi and Ji Yunzhuo.

Of course, You Hang and You Bao also knew how terrifying the power of fifty ancient monster corpses was, otherwise the ancestors of the Ji family wouldn't have suppressed them three hundred years ago.

Therefore, the Ji family were not worried at all, because they knew that Gu Zhou and the others would not be able to support it. Sooner or later, that would happen.

However, just like You Yuan, the eyes of their two uncles and nephews were filled with incomparable jealousy. Seeing that the 500-meter radius had become a blood mist, and Ji Yunzhuo was sacrificed in blood.

Yes, Luo Xi's strength, as well as the magical powers that he mobilized, really shocked them.

Regarding the Blood Refining Sect, the You Family hadn't paid much attention to it before, because they believed that they were descendants of ancient times and possessed some kind of magical power to summon corpses.

And even if they knew that the Blood Refining Sect was based on the background of the Demon Cultivator and the Black Cliff Sect, they were nothing more than jealous, and even had some ghostly thoughts.

But they seem to be wrong.

The strength that Luo Xi showed was far beyond their imagination.

Everyone can see Ji Yunzhuo's strength, but he is still not Luo Xi's opponent.

You Yuan felt a trace of fear for Luo Xi's heritage and background.

Even though the fifty monster corpses he controlled were powerful and terrifying, and he had not confronted Luo Xi head-on, he was still uneasy and felt unable to match it, and he was even more reluctant to provoke Luo Xi.

However, at this moment, a person Luo Xi and the others had temporarily ignored, walked towards them.

Seeing this person, Luo Xi and You Yuan's eyes were particularly cold.

It's finally his turn!

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