Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1930: Break your magic power!

The venue was all shrouded in purple and black energy, and everyone's heart trembled. Although they didn't understand it, the destruction and darkness made them feel terrified, and they felt a kind of terrifying panic. .

At this moment, You Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body stiffened to the ground, his head "boom" completely blank.

He controlled the corpse of the monster beast, but what did he feel at this moment?

He actually felt that he had lost contact with all the corpses of the monster beasts!

"Impossible, impossible...impossible..."

You Yuan's eyes opened wide, and his eyes were covered with blood. Originally weakened by the power of stimulating blood, he is now full of deathly silence.

Endless purple-black energy is surging, and the strange atmosphere makes them mistakenly believe that they have entered other planes, becoming very strange, helpless, and cold.

No one knew what was going on, and no one knew what would happen after the young man urged the five-storied pagoda-like magical powers.

Quiet, as quiet as dead silence.

At this time, Luo Xi's eyes turned into a blood-red color, and his mind was no longer on Ji Yunzhuo who was performing the blood sacrifice. Ji Yunzhuo fell down and passed out into a coma.

And he, his eyes were staring into the purple-black energy cover.

After a long while, everyone heard the sound of footsteps again.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

From the purple-black energy cover, a familiar footstep sounded, and a figure slowly stepped out.

It was Xiao Yu surprisingly!

When Xiao Yu walked out of the power of the purple-black Buddha, all the power of the Buddha instantly poured into his body, and then revealed the surrounding scenes.

"This..." Ji Yining's pupils suddenly shrank.

What did they see?

The place where Xiao Yu was standing was full of bones!

These white bones are all scattered in a mess, and none of them are complete. It looks like they have been broken into pieces!

A shocking scene appeared in the venue, the white bones of the forest, naturally all came from the corpses of those monsters.

"How could it be..." You Gang and You Bao both turned pale in shock.

"My God, this..."

Those cultivators in the distance, seeing this scene, felt that their hair was horrified, and their bodies were as if they were overwhelming.

The corpses of more than twenty monster beasts from the ancient continent were... all destroyed!

This is all in a flash!

However, in such an instant, a master of more than twenty heavenly spirit realms was killed instantly!

This young man is no more than the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Such a terrifying cultivation base and strength shocked everyone's eyes.

Of course they don't understand or understand why this young man possesses such a jealous and incomprehensible ability.

Putting the breath of darkness and death that made people feel suffocating just now makes people feel incredible.

Of course they thought it was incredible, but Xiao Yu didn't feel it at all, or in other words, he was calm at this moment.

Because only he knew how much time he spent in order to understand the third floor of the Buddha Tower.

And on this day, he finally broke through that layer of membrane.

The two floors below the Buddha Tower are attacked by the Buddha Seal, but the third layer is a defensive mountain tower magical power.


Suddenly, You Yuan spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Big Brother!" You Bao exclaimed.

Upon seeing this, You Gang rushed up and held You Yuan with his arms, whose face fell into ashes, all thoughts were silent, and his body was weak.

This kid actually destroyed all the corpses of monsters!

However, after doing all this, Xiao Yu didn't seem to feel the same, because his goal was Luo Xi.

"Boy, you really surprised me!" Luo Xihan laughed, and the murderousness in his smile became stronger.

"Is it surprising? I can kill you once, and I can still kill you a second time."


Luo Xi grinned three times and said, "Really? Let me see, you can't break my magical powers!"

The next moment, on the side of Luo Xi's Fayin, the strange thing was that the three gates and three **** ghosts in the land 500 meters in front of him suddenly disappeared!

To be precise, it did not disappear, but as if the space had been displaced, it was located around Xiao Yu!


In the same way, for a time, the yin wind screamed and killed Manjuan, and three blood-colored ghosts swept out from the gate. This scene was exactly the same as Ji Yunzhuo back then.

"Hehe, just right, let me, a demon killer, break your magical powers!"

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