Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1938: Portrait with open eyes

Looking at the divine pattern in his blood, Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

As he became stronger and stronger, he learned more and more secrets of his life experience.

He knew that he was born extraordinary, he was the so-called son of Shura, and he also knew that his family, his parents, must be among the higher planes.

Together with the Heavenly Desolate God Cattle Clan, and the Heavenly Desolate Clan where Rhubarb is located, they are also related to their own family.

And Xiao Yu deeply felt that the bloodline power given to him by his family, the suppression of the external power level, and this kind of **** pattern that can actually improve the rank.

All of this tells him that his life experience will never be simple.

And this time, following the upgrade of this **** pattern, Xiao Yu also unlocked another kind of **** pattern power.

Xiao Yu stared at one of the three heads and six arms on the huge light curtain.

Above the three heads, the eyes are closed tightly, but if you look closely, you can find that the faces of the three heads are not the same.

Although in this illusory state, it looks like a blue and black color, and the **** pattern has not materialized.

But one of them is the most human-like head with short hair fluttering.

There is another one, looking at its outline, with long hair, and its face looks like a sword and axe, and at first glance it feels like killing and decisive.

The last one is the most peculiar, the most serene face, a gesture that is indisputable despite the closed eyes.

"I remember, this is the one who opened my eyes..."

Xiao Yu stared at the blue-faced portrait that looked like a human head, still lingering fear.

At that time, at the moment he opened his eyes, he exploded with a powerful Asura power in a short period of time, destroying Luo Xi's Three Underworld in an instant, and three iron chains that bound him.

Under the conditions at the time, Xiao Yu's own strength could be said to be at the limit, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

And only with the help of the nemesis of the power of cultivation-the power of Shura, he can get rid of that dilemma.

But I didn't expect that it was such an opportunity that allowed him to break through the rank of the **** pattern.

In the chaotic second world space, looking at the ghostly pattern phantom projected from his body, Xiao Yu felt strange and familiar.

Unfamiliar, it was because Xiao Yu seemed to be a little less acquainted with his divine marks as his rank improved, perhaps because it was too powerful.

Familiarity, again because of the **** pattern, is to connect with his own bloodline power, he has feelings, and he enjoys this feeling very much.

Xiao Yu muttered to himself: "There are three levels of Heaven, Earth and Human in the rank of God Mark. I don't know what rank will my God Mark be promoted to?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, his mind moved, and the **** pattern was taken away by him, and the pattern on his arm also subsided.

The Shura **** pattern, the Shura tactic, and the Shura power are one. They have a common feature, that is, it is extremely difficult to comprehend, but there is no doubt that every time you improve your understanding, the gain is huge.

Xiao Yu looked back at the enlightenment platform where he sat cross-legged, and said secretly: "It seems that I had taken this enlightenment platform in the first place. Otherwise, my current comprehension ability would never be so fast.

What the Enlightenment Platform brought to Xiao Yu was his own pure and spiritual Ming platform, so that he could better enter the state of enlightenment.

Of course, what Xiao Yu didn't know was that it was the role of the Enlightenment Platform that allowed his Xiaoyao Fu to rise to the eighth level in just over a year.

And his comprehension of Xiaoyao Fu is almost about to catch up with the elders of his own sect.

Putting away these thoughts, Xiao Yu's soul moved, and his hand turned over, and a small pagoda appeared!

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