Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1942: Next target

Ji Yunzhuo, Ji Yining, and Gu Zhou did not speak at all, just because the information Luo Yi gave them was really shocking.

And what made them most strange was that Xiao Yu didn't kill Luo Yi, the key figure, and now he still wants to drive Luo Yi away?

Ji Yunzhuo's heart moved and looked at each other with Gu Zhou. The latter immediately shouted: "Come here, throw him out of the western part of the grave!"

Soon, the children of the Ji family came in and pulled Luo Yi, who was full of sluggishness, to his feet, preparing to drag him out.

At this time, Luo Yi's head was blank, the kind of enlightenment, suddenly realized, and with a complex emotion of confusion, life and death uncertain, greedy for life and fear of death, instantly rushed to his heart.


These cultivators don’t even save his eldest brother. Let’s ask, he is a man of the Heavenly Spirit Realm and is still seriously injured.

Is it going back to the southern cloud?

The Southern Cloud Region already knew that he and Batu and the Demon Cultivators were in the same group, and he couldn't go back at all.

Should you go back to find those demons repairers?

He is almost like a useless person, how can people look at him?

In other words, he has no use value.

What if the conspiracy plan of those demons succeeded? Is there his part?

the answer is negative.

The most likely possibility is that if he goes back to find those demons, and those demons will treat Luo Yi as the person who leaked their secrets and kill them!

Because Luo Yi and Luo Xi are not the same.

Luo Yi was only exposed to the power of cultivating demons for the first time, and he didn't go deep. He entered the demons many years later than his elder brother Luo Xi.

It was only in the past two years that Luo Xi told Luo Yi the truth about him.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, staring at Xiao Yu, and said: "Xiao Yu, what if I tell you what I know? Every force in the sect world has ghosts, even the seven sects! Here is no exception! You can't go back a thousand years ago, do you want to fight them with your own strength?"

Ji Yunzhuo and their faces are also very heavy.

The legend of the Black Cliff World gave them too much shock.

If they really want to use the power of the whole sect, the sect world will not be able to resist it.

Especially bystanders can see at a glance that the world of the sects, in their own way, intrigues, and their overall strength has fallen far short of before.

The so-called things must rot first, and then the insects will grow. It is no wonder that the people in the Southern Cloud Region and the Tomb Western Region will join the magic way.

Because only those who have seen or understood the horror of the black cliff world demons, most people will choose to join.

In the world of Nine Heavens, strength is the respect, and everyone is crawling on the path of cultivation against the sky.

Although the cultivator is cultivating demons, it is also a way to improve their strength. Let me ask, who is not willing to try?

That is the temptation of strength!

Xiao Yu took a step and said awe-inspiringly: "I believe that Xiao Yu doesn't have this ability, and can compete with them alone. But if we do nothing, then we are waiting for death! How happy is life, why bother death? I will do my best. If they come, I will kill one. If they come, I will kill one! Soldiers come to cover the water and earth, and I will never allow them to trample on this plane!"

This remark was majestic and breathtaking, and those who heard it were moved, and the listener unconsciously looked up.

The people present were instantly infected by this boy who was under twenty years old.

They couldn't know why this young man's determination was so great, and they didn't know where this young man came from, but at this moment, they heard the unwillingness and stubborn determination in the young man's heart.

Luo Yi took a deep breath. The look in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Yu seemed to have changed.

Finally, Luo Yi let go, and he said solemnly: "Strictly speaking, my elder brother usually contacts them. I only met them once. I don't know much, but as far as I know, we are in the Southern Cloud Region. He and Tomb Western Regions are a very important part of their plan, but it is clear that they both disturb you. Moreover, I have heard..."

Luo Yi stared at Xiao Yu and said, "Their next goal is your Xiaoyaomen!"

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