Shura God Emperor

Chapter 195: Trigeminal trapped sea kill!

That terrible Xiao-killing intention directly enveloped the entire waters enchantment, and even the terrible cold killing intent in Xiao Yu's eyes caused the temperature of the entire waters enchantment to drop a lot.

The enchantment of the entire waters was fluctuating a bit because of this terrifying killing aura.

The faces of the four people on the river were slightly moved. They felt the situation in the barrier most clearly, and they immediately urged the power of the soul to be injected into the barrier.

Yes, the four of them are formation masters, and they have naturally heard of the terrifying aspects of Xiao Yu's soul talent, so they dare not neglect at all.

Shao Linsen smiled coldly: "Oh, good killing intent, it seems that your chance is indeed good! But it's a pity, facing me, you are still going to die!"

The sea-blue trident halberd suddenly flashed a burst of blue light, and then was thrown out by Shao Lin.

The trident turned into a blue lightning and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

"Second kill!"

Xiao Yu had just opened the Qi Sha Fist's two-kill aura, and his killing intent rose to a level again, containing a terrifying Xiao Sha punch and rushed directly up.


The invisible Xiao murderous aura on Xiao Yu's fist directly shook Shao Lin's trident sea halberd.

The river exploded with a huge wave wave, but because it was within the barrier, and it was only as wide as 500 meters, this terrible wave directly oscillated in the entire barrier.

The entire square enchantment fluctuated more violently, and because of the sea water inside, Shao Lin was directly swayed.

His trident offensive was broken!

Shao Lin was very shocked. He never thought that such a powerful **** pattern power could be broken by this kid.

You know, you have absorbed 50% of the opponent's attack power!

Do not! He is the king in the sea!

He shook his hand again, and the thrown trident halberd flew over, and he grinned grimly: "Xiao Yu, you are really a little capable! Why don't you try my trick? Trident traps the sea!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strange scene appeared, and the sea water on both sides of Shao Lin's left and right suddenly fluctuated, and then it directly turned into an aqua-blue shadow, which gradually formed, and then became two aqua-blue The figure, the outline of this shadow, and the trident phalberd in his hand, are exactly the same as Shao Lin.

And the most peculiar thing is that the two sea-blue shadows, the trident, are actually exactly the same entity! It is not caused by seawater!

In the next moment, the other two sea-blue horns, including Shao Lin, surrounded Xiao Yu.


The three of them, waving the trident halberd on their hands at the same time, directly stabbed Xiao Yu.

Below the river bottom, three vacuum zones appeared directly, because the speed of the trident was too fast.

The sea-blue trident is like blue lightning, but this time it is faster and larger than when Shao Lin used it before.

That amazing water system power is madly absorbing Xiao Yu's spiritual power.

Xiao Yu knew very well in his heart that the longer he procrastinated, the more disadvantaged he would be, because once he activates his spiritual power, he will be reduced by 50%. This way, he has to use Qihai more spiritual power .

It is too late to say that it is fast, and the three tridents are about to assassinate themselves, Shao Lin also smiled grimly: "Xiao Yu, you can't hide this time! Die!"

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