Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1954: Thank you guys

Under the "guidance" of Bloodhoof, Xiao Yu's real purpose is to be under the underground cemetery of the thousand coffins!

Ji Yunzhuo, Ji Yining, Gu Zhou, and Li Wei also followed.

To be honest, even Ji Yunzhuo and others, every time they see this scene, they can't help but wonder.

Thousands of silver coffins, what terrifying strength is this?

"It's no wonder that those demonic cultivators, even if they concealed for ten years, gradually cultivated their minions and puppets-Blood Refining Sect. The real face is to seize the tomb here. If they really succeed, it will only be These thousand grave coffins are probably enough to hurt any seven sects' vitality and destroy their foundation." Ji Yunzhuo exclaimed.

Ji Yining let out a sigh of relief and said, "I'm afraid, even if it weren't for these demons, even if the Seven Sects knew the coffin here, they would grab it at all costs."

The few people felt lingering fears and nodded in agreement.

The power of the corpse in the silver coffin is already equivalent to the existence of three days.

What kind of concept is that?

A thousand three-day realms?

Even if all the powerhouses in the entire sect world add up, they definitely cannot make up a thousand three-day realm!

This is enough to form a super undead army!

Imagine, if so many silver coffins are activated together, how many masters of the good fortune realm can kill them all?

Ji Yining smiled bitterly: "It's a pity, there are so many silver coffins here, but at the same time, it is necessary to find the strength of the three-day realm to be enough to stimulate."

This is the limitation of the coffin.

Even in the realm of good fortune, it can also spur a coffin. Gu Zhou is like this.

It's as if looking at these things can only stare.

They all looked at Xiao Yu and seemed to want to see how Xiao Yu arranged.

It is said that the leaders of the ten directions have thousands of guards. This secret is also what they have seen from ancient books.

After all, the ancient continent was destroyed by Mighty, under normal circumstances, of course, it would not be considered that everything was preserved.

But seeing this, they really marveled at the power of Nine Heavens World, which is simply a masterpiece of heaven.

They are neatly arranged, solemn and solemn, lifeless, but they are endlessly yearning.

That is the existence that can strengthen one's own power!

After a while, Xiao Yu took a step back, pressing one hand on the ground.


Naturally it is a golden coffin and blood hoof.

The huge figure stepped out, Ji Yunzhuo and others all looked up.

Tall and mighty, every muscle is full of explosive power contained in it.

To be honest, it was the first time that Gu Zhou and Li Wei saw Bloodhoof, but Ji Yunzhuo had seen it once. The last time it was to assist Ji Yining to tame and activate Bloodhoof, it was a pity that they naturally failed.

As soon as the blood hoof came out, the momentum was mighty, and the astonishing wild aura made people feel shocked and threatened at first glance, and couldn't help but bow their heads and not look directly at them.

However, as soon as the blood hoof came out, the copper bell-like eyes were staring at the thousand grave coffins below, and some strange colors were flowing in the eyes.

After a long while, Bloodhoof made a low and hoarse voice and said: "Let you lie here for so long, I have worked hard for you..."

In the voice of Bloodhoof's words, there was a kind of sadness, a kind of excitement, and a kind of deterrence in it.

And at this moment, a strange scene appeared. Thousands of grave coffins and all the coffin lids were filled with **** mist at the same time. Then, the coffins of the thousand grave coffins suddenly shook together, like a fish. Like jumping...

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