Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1958: Qianjun Formation (Part 1)

"Bloodhoof, are you asking me to tame them?" Xiao Yu just blurted out, his mind fluctuating slightly.

If there is the word bloodhoof, it proves that it is possible!

Because Bloodhoof is their leader!

After Ji Yunzhuo and the others listened, they all held their breath.

They didn't know about Xiao Yu's Heavenly Wood Divine Formation, but looking at the current situation and Xiao Yu's reaction, the cultivation of soul consciousness would definitely be a failure.

If it succeeds, this silver coffin will not lie here quietly.

But with the help of the Chief Bull Head, the situation would be completely different.

Bloodhoof nodded and said: "Yes, I want you to enter their ‘thousand-junction formation’, break their defenses, and let them surrender you physically."

"A Thousand Junction Formation!!!"

After Ji Yunzhuo listened to them, their expressions suddenly changed.

Xiao Yu certainly didn't know anything about the Qianjun Formation, but Ji Yining looked up at Bloodhoof and solemnly said: "It is recorded in ancient books that Chief Bull Head and his thousands of subordinates are the most powerful being the Qianjun Formation. As soon as the formation came out, the land of the ten directions would not be invaded by all laws, and the leader of the land of the ten directions came from this."

"Not bad!"

There was an infinite pride in the blood hoof eyes. Although there is not much left in his consciousness, the reason why he is the leader of the ten directions lies in his bones and is a fact that can never be changed.

This fact allows him to maintain his dignity even if he is dead, and never bow his head.

"My thousands of guards have followed me in the north and south for many years. Even though I was back then, only 70% of the strength can be used to break this great formation. If it were not for this great formation, the powerful people of the year would be classified When I was on the ancient continent, I would never be here at all."

The audience couldn't help but gasp.

In other words, this so-called Qianjun Formation is to protect Bloodhoof from death!

But Ji Yunzhuo could clearly feel that the blood hoof was much stronger than the wolf cavalry leader.

The wolf cavalry leader is at best the leader of the army, but what is the bloodhoof?

That is the leader of the ten directions!

In terms of status, he was a head higher than the leader of the wolf cavalry.

It is also the reason why Ji Yunzhuo and the others attach so much importance to the golden coffin of Ji Yining.

That's a war job!

But immediately, the minds of the people present sank slightly.

No matter how powerful and powerful, it was only a thousand years ago. What about now?

The blood hoof is nothing but the corpse, and the corpse in the coffin of the thousand mouths is also the corpse that is about to dissipate the remnant soul. All this is no longer comparable to before.

Since it is impossible to speak the same day, what level of strength has it reached now?

Actually, there is no need to know, bloodhoof actually revealed some.

Bloodhoof said that the strength of a thousand guards, the defense spurred by him, can only be broken even when 70% of his strength is at his peak.

Bloodhoof is now the cultivation base of the Good Fortune Realm. At its peak, 70% of the power is probably the power of Good Fortune Realm at best?

What's so pleasant about this?

Because according to this guess, even if they are tamed, thousands of corpses can mobilize a group of good fortune realm forces. Is it worth it?

No one knows whether this realm of good fortune is single, double, or triple?

Bloodhoof glanced at Ji Yunzhuo and the others, and said in a deep voice: "Stupid humans! Ten thousand years ago, your ancestors wanted to make us surrender many times, but it is because your vision is not only small, you don’t even understand that we come from. The power of the races of the higher planes, so we don’t care about you at all. Now their power is not what you imagined. I tell you, as long as they can break through the battle array, then they will be able to face you, yours. The stronger the strength, the more their power will be activated."

"They saved my remnant soul because they urged the junjun formation, but they also protected most of their own strength because of the junjun formation. If they can fully urge them, in my opinion, this position Face, no one can be their opponent!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience trembled, and even Xiao Yu held his breath...

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