Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1960: Challenge Qianjunwei

Xiao Yu blurted out without hesitation.

For him, the crisis of the sect world is close to his eyebrows. Although he does not know whether the Black Cliff Sect will invade the sect world in the future, with his keen intuition, there are also the recent Black Cliff Sect demons constantly Look at the signs of Zongmen's world activities.

He felt an invisible crisis.

This kind of crisis may not have much symptom, but his mood is getting more and more restless. He always feels that this plane, from the beginning of his first step on this place, seems to be invisibly shrouded in a cold and heavy.

Maybe it was because of the speciality of his blood, or some of his perceptual power that made him feel this way.

And Xiao Yu only wanted to do one thing, and that was to use his time in the Zongmen World to try his best to improve his strength, and to do his best to contribute to the Zongmen World.

If these cultivators really gather in groups and attack, if history repeats itself again, Xiao Yu will not hesitate to take action.

But he knows that one person's power is very limited, so he has to improve his strength.

As before, he will not let go of any opportunity to improve his strength.

However, unlike before, Xiao Yu used to increase his strength because he wanted to go to a higher world stage, looking for the people he cared about, and the secret of his life experience.

But now, he is more eager for this idea of ​​improving strength, because of the magic repairer.

Therefore, he agreed without hesitation.

Ji Yining was extremely clever, looked at Bloodhoof, and said, "Is it dangerous to break through this huge formation?"

"Yes," Bloodhoof said directly, "The so-called blessing of misfortune, I can let them open their minds and let you in to challenge, but once you start to challenge, you will either break their defenses or be killed by them collectively. Death! Because everything except me is their enemy, so you have to think clearly."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and asked, "If I really tame them, it can be used by me?"

"Of course, my Qianjunwei is the most loyal and only recognizes strength. If you let them compromise, I guarantee that the strength you can mobilize is stronger than mine!"

"it is good!"

"Xiao Yu!" Ji Yining seemed anxious.

No need to think that they can all guess that challenging a thousand guards is absolutely dangerous. Who knows what they are?

And who knows what strength they are?

Bloodhoof looked down at Xiao Yu and said, "Boy, don't worry, since you are theirs, I will naturally not send you to death. I just want to help you, and I think they will never die like this. , To die, to die on the battlefield. Therefore, they will have equivalent defensive power because of your realm. Once you break their strongest defensive state at this time, you can inspire their strongest state, That’s what I said, no one on this plane can be their opponent, of course it depends on your good fortune."

Who knows, Xiao Yu suddenly showed a calm look after listening, and asked again: "In other words, I can continue to challenge them? Until the stronger I am, the greater the power that arouses them?"


Suddenly a comfortable posture appeared on Xiao Yu's face, it seemed that the heavy posture was completely gone.

Even Ji Yining and the others seemed to feel the difference for a while, and they didn't know why.

"Then what if I want to wait until I have enough strength to challenge them?" Xiao Yu asked again.

"According to my guess, they will dissipate in at most half a year. If you want to challenge, it is best within this period of time. Now, I will let them open their defenses and let you in."

As soon as the blood hoof's voice fell, the coffin seemed to be alive again, and the dazzling white light suddenly shone.

After an unknown period of time, with a "boom", before the coffin of Thousand Mouths, another coffin emerged from the ground. The lid of the coffin was also opened, revealing the dark interior of the coffin.

"Boy, I'm tired. Last time I used too much power. I have to go back. The next good fortune is up to you."

The blood hoof returned to the coffin and disappeared, but Ji Yunzhuo and the others, looking at the black coffin lid like a door, felt numb.

They couldn't help being surprised when they saw Xiao Yu's expression of not being scared at all. Could this young man have anything to do?

"Xiao Yu?" Ji Yining called out softly.

Xiao Yu pondered for a long while, and then suddenly asked, "Master Ji, do you have a way to be here in the tomb, can you make the entrance of the teleportation array into a coordinate that can be attached to your body?"

After hearing this, Ji Yunzhuo said in shock: "How do you know?"

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