Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1965: uninvited guest

On the other side, the time went back to the day before, Bi Lingyu.

Since "visiting" Qi Lingzhuang, the status and strength of the Han family have simply gone up.

Originally, the Han family's position in Bi Lingyu was the number one existence, and even the Zhong family could not suppress its existence.

Although the Zhong family is a cultivating family, in terms of status, the refiner in the sect world, to a certain extent, is not as good as the three sub-professionals-the alchemist, the refiner, and the formation mage.

Especially the name of the Han family, Qi Lingzhuang, will be even more alarming to the seven sects.

And the seven great sects will even invite the Han family's master craftsman, or master craftsman, to be guest officials, or elders.

But the Han family refused. They formed a family of their own, and they were unique. They gathered the strongest crafting masters in the entire sect world, and even the seven sects would not move them.

What's more, Han Xinhui of the Han family has a relationship with Bai Yugu's inner disciple Pan Wenjie.

It's just a pity that since Xiao Yu killed Pan Wenjie at that exchange meeting, it can be said that the Han family did not dare to mention it again.

Of course, who is the most popular person in the Han family now?

Naturally, it is a collateral Han Shishi, this spirit fox, a girl whose talent has reached the fourth rank of heaven.

And this girl has always been regarded as a woman of Xiao Yu!

That's a super genius once in a hundred years!

How can Bi Lingyu be offended in this small area?

After all, you must know that even the Patriarch of the Han family and the older masters of the Zhong family were finally killed, as well as the inner disciples of Baiyu Valley. Who can match such a strength, courage, and courage?

And if they were only afraid of Xiao Yu's methods before, they were more forced, but now, it is not forced but fear.

In the past year, everything from the Bi Lingyu to the rest has a great relationship with this young man.

The entire sect world was shaken by storms, and it was shocked more than once. How could all this not make people feel shocked?

Originally, the Han family themselves had taken a fancy to Xiao Yu's potential, because they were only in a cooperative relationship with the seven sects, and did not attach to any sect.

And now, if Xiaoyaomen can rise, wouldn't it be a great thing for the Han family?

They don't care about the seven sects' intrigues, on the contrary, they are more willing to Xiaoyao, Xiao Yu can become stronger.

And now, they seem to have seen an opportunity.

In front of Qi Lingzhuang.

At this time, Han Qingde was boringly guarding the door.

The Han family are all refining masters, but this Han Qingde is the only double cultivation in the family. Although his realm is not high, only the peak of the real pill realm, of course, his refining talent is not weak, even in the younger one. The existence of outstanding people in the generation.

And he has always been regarded as the face of the Han family.

He didn't come back at the last meeting of Qi Lingzhuang, just because he was the only disciple of a certain third-rate sect, and he happened to perform the task that day.

As a leader among the younger generations of the Han family, he is also a powerful refiner. His status in the sect is very high. Naturally, he returned to the Han family and was respected by many disciples.

And what he felt most regrettable was that he was not in the family last time, and could only listen to these disciples say something about the time of Xiao Yu last time.

"Brother De! It's really a pity that you didn't come back last time. If you have to meet that kid, you will know how powerful he is." The fat man next to Han Qingde still said with some lingering fear.

Although more than half a year has passed, that scene still shocked their hearts.

"Yeah, he's just about the same age as us? But looking at people now, in only a year, he can be as famous as Jiang Tianyu, Zhao Xin and others." Another tall Han family also said.

"Yes! And recently, in our Han family, it seems that a lot of people from the second- and third-rate sects have visited!" Fatty said proudly.

The Han family of Qilingzhuang is considered a neutral force. Xiaoyao Sect rises and Xiao Yu becomes stronger. They are naturally happy. They don't know how many sect forces are willing to flatter.

And even if Xiaoyao Sect, or Xiao Yu's decline and being killed, they are not worried, because they can separate their relationship. After all, they are a neutral force, plus the status of Qi Lingzhuang, who would dare to anger them?

Recently, those second- and third-rate sect forces have come to visit, naturally to give themselves a way out!

After all, who didn't know that now the Han family is the first person to have a relationship with Xiao Yu?

Although the current situation is not very good, and even many people want to kill Xiao Yu, there are still a small number of people who look good at Xiao Yu and optimistic about Xiaoyao.

Because what happened recently, isn't it just enough to explain it?

Han Qingde nodded secretly, he felt most about this.

Because recently, the sect treated himself a lot, whether it was cultivation resources or other things.

For this, he really has to thank Xiao Yu.

When Han Qingde was about to comment on this matter, suddenly, at this moment, three figures appeared at the door.

When the fat man and others saw this, his face instantly changed wildly--

"He... how could he come..."

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