Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1968: Jiang Pei (Part 2)

I saw Jiang Pei stepping up, and in an instant, a terrifying aura of heaven and earth suddenly shook, as if a hundred thousand mountains were shaking around him.

In the entire invisible space, it was a little distorted.

This kind of distortion, it seems that even Jiang Pei's whole person is blurred to varying degrees.

Luo Yi and Zhong Xiajie behind Jiang Pei couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Zhong Xiajie's so-called double repair, which links the four realms of Dan without breaking through, certainly does not understand the horror of Jiang Pei's power.

Even Luo Yi, a powerful man in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, was still shaken by this momentum.

Yes, Jiang Pei's cultivation is too terrifying, even better than his elder brother Luo Xi!

And being able to use the aura of heaven and earth to distort the space to such an extent, this kind of strength can't kill that young man?

As Jiang Pei stepped forward, the arrogance on his body was released, almost like a hundred thousand mountains, and like the snow storm of Bing Tian Xue, Han Qingde and other Han family children felt that their bodies were stiff. , The feeling that the bones are trembling makes them like an ice cellar.

They felt that their throat was strangled, and they couldn't say anything at all, they could only let them pass by their side.

Headed by Jiang Pei, Luo Yi and Zhong Xiajie followed the climate, walked through the gate, through the front yard, and then they headed towards the hall.

At this time in the hall, headed by Han Yinan, the master craftsman, and other elders of the Han family, as well as Han Shishi, are discussing some matters of cultivating children.

At this moment, Han Shishi, Han Yinan and others trembled suddenly, as if they felt something, they all stared at the door.

They are all soul practitioners, and they are extremely sensitive to the capture of breath, especially Han Shishi and Han Yinan.

They are feeling that an incomparable danger is coming quietly.

Sure enough, not long after, the door was suddenly smashed.


Then, three figures filed in.


When Han Yinan waited for the older generation to see the leader, his face changed wildly: "Jiang Pei!? Why are you coming to my Lingzhuang!"

"What? He is the uncle of Jiang Tianyu, the guest elder of the Haotian Sect, that Jiang Pei who claimed to have destroyed the'Mountain Sea Sect' by one person?"

Some people were in an uproar.

Jiang Pei’s name is so loud, it can be said to be thunderous.

His strength is not only because of his strength, but also because in the early years, Jiang Pei and Jiang Tianyu's two uncles and nephews relied on their powerful strength to send a great shock in the sect world.

That is to say, Jiang Tianyu was excavated by the Clear Sky Sect, and Jiang Pei also became the guest elder of the Clear Sky Sect, only to withdraw from the Clear Sky Sect later.

Hasn't this person been living in seclusion after leaving Clear Sky School? Why did they come to their Han family?

This person is so powerful that he can even squeeze into the top five of Clear Sky School. Except for the Great Elder of Clear Sky School who suppressed him, no elder has the ability to defeat him.

And what does he intend to do when he comes to the Han family?

Although Jiang Pei's reputation is not as great as the enchanting genius Jiang Tianyu, but this person is definitely one of the world's first-class powerhouses.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Jiang Pei's body, the whole hall instantly makes people unable to breathe.

Han Yinan suddenly discovered that Zhong Xiajie was also there, and there was a strange young man.

There was a sudden thump in his heart, which reminded him of the relationship between Jiang Pei and Jiang Tianyu, and even Haotianzong.

He still took a deep breath, took a step, and asked: "Jiang Pei, you have come from afar and set foot on our small land. What is it?"

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