Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1971: I am willing to fulfill him

All the members of the Han family glared at him, shaking with anger.

Of course they knew that, first of all, Xiao Yu was a disciple of Xiaoyao Clan first, and then he was related to Han Shishi!

Even though Han Shishi was Xiao Yu's "woman", they knew about the events of last year.

This year, the entire sect world is watching this good show at Xiaoyaomen. If Xiao Yu does not go back, the position of Xiaoyaomen Mountain Gate will be replaced in all likelihood.

If you go back, Han Shishi will die.

If you don't go back, Xiaoyaomen's status is precarious.

And these years, everyone can do whatever they want for strength. Just ask, how can a woman care about the talent and potential of that increasingly powerful young man?

The so-called fish and bear's paw cannot have both. If it is a normal person, there is no choice at all.

Compared with women, what your own sect involves, but the fate of thousands of years, even everyone!

Although Han Shishi was weak at this time, she was still sane, and her eyes showed an expression of incomparable resentment.

Supported by the elder next to her, she weakly said, "Xiao Yu... Xiao Yu will not compromise... As his woman, I am willing to fulfill him..."

After all, Han Shishi's face became more and more sallow, and she suddenly fell down.



All the Han family were in grief, and they wished they would eat Jiang Pei now.


Jiang Pei laughed three times and said: "I really want to know, whether that kid wants a country or a beauty."

Immediately he glanced at the glaring Korean parents, smiled slightly, and said, "I advise you to tell the kid earlier. If I guess right, you can stop him on the way through Xiaoyaomen. "

Soon he turned around and left, leaving a sentence--

"I will wait for him on Bi Ling Lake in Bi Ling Realm."

As the three of them left, the elder shouted loudly: "Quick! Everyone is scattered, and this news must be passed to Xiao Yu's ears!"

All the members of the Han family were mobilized, and quickly dispersed.

Han Shishi is the pillar of their Qi Lingzhuang, and the support of their Qi Lingzhuang's rise. They absolutely cannot let her die like this.

After all the disciples went out, Han Shishi was also carried to the bed.

In just one hour, Han Shishi seemed to be a different person.

Although the body was not shriveled a lot, the waxy skin and the increasingly wrinkled face made them feel very distressed.

They could clearly feel that the vitality in Han Shishi's body was dissipating step by step.

Han Yinan took it, but still resisted the injury and walked in. Seeing Han Shishi like this, his face was pale and heartache.

He also heard Jiang Pei's words just now. He was trembling all over, because of the ancient injury, the pain on his face became more intense.

"Elder Nan, don't get angry." A fifty-year-old black-faced elder hurriedly cared and exhorted.

The tall and thin elder looked very ugly, and said in a deep voice, "What I am worried about now is that even if the news can reach Xiao Yu's ears, he will not come."

The people's hearts became heavier, Han Yinan clenched his fists tightly, and said solemnly, "Even if there is a ray of life, we can't miss it!"

Although they know that their thoughts are selfish, most of them know that all this may be futile.

But from the perspective of the Han family, they can only do this.

Because that is the only hope!


On the other side, after Xiao Yu left the Western Region of the Tomb, he did not rush back to the Xiaoyao Gate in a hurry. Two days were enough for him to travel freely.

Gaoyue Town.

It took Xiao Yu a day to reach this town.

"No accident, you can arrive at the Zongmen at noon tomorrow, and then prepare for the night, and the Zongmen replacement meeting will begin the next day."

That night, Xiao Yu found an inn and stayed in.

What was surprising was that Gaoyue Town was originally a small town, and it was basically filled with various sect forces on weekdays. There were not many people as a transit station for casual repairs.

But tonight is almost full.

"Guest, how many?" Xiao Er said politely when he saw Xiao Yu's extraordinary clothes and handsome appearance.


The food was served immediately, and it seemed that Xiao Yu hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

While he was drinking, the voice of several people discussing at the table next to him came.

"I should be able to go to Bi Lingyu tomorrow. I really want to see how powerful this Jiang Pei is." A rough man said loudly.

"Yes, after all, he had once destroyed Shanhaizong with a single person, and his strength could rank among the top five of Haotianzong." Another man also agreed.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart. Although he was still calm on the surface, he wondered in his heart: Bi Lingyu?

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