Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1975: Jiang Tianyu's uncle

Everyone felt a tremor in their hearts unconsciously.

A kind of trembling from the body and soul, the crowd was silent, looking at the young man in horror.

To what extent can a person's killing intent be condensed to reach such a situation?

They don't know.

All they know is that this handsome, murderous youth must be terrifying.

And it is still related to the Han family of Bi Lingyu.

"Wait... it has something to do with the Han family..." Suddenly, one person thought of something first and thought for a while.

"What's the matter? Is it related to Jiang Pei?" Xiao Yu suppressed his murderous intent and tried to calm himself down.

I didn't know that his murderous aura originated from the "killing realm" in his own blood.

This kind of killing state was spurred by a move, it was very scary, and even Xiao Yu might not be able to control it.

Rhubarb said that the transitional urging of the killing realm would affect the mind, making Xiao Yu a tool for killing.

Only in the case of anger, this kind of existence in the blood, the aura in the bones can involuntarily exude.

Slaughter would easily affect his mind. Xiao Yu didn't want to be disturbed by the slaughter's judgment, so if it weren't for extreme circumstances, his killing state would not be used.

It took Xiao Yu half a year since he used the Killing Realm last year to restore his Asura bloodline to a normal state.

And this time, it was about Han Shishi, and he was so worried and impatient.

Yes, after he and Han Shishi separated last time, he also thought about the relationship with Bi Lingyu and Han Shishi in the sect world.

But now Xiao Yu is in the sect world!

When the rough man saw that Xiao Yu had finally reduced his murderous aura, he was finally less frightened.

"You don't know who Jiang Pei is?" the rough man asked in surprise.

"Do you know that I still need to ask you?" Xiao Yu said coldly.

The faces of the people present are very strange and weird.

"You don't know? It's the Jiang Tianyu who is as famous as Xiao Yu, this is Jiang Pei's nephew." The rough man cried.

They still don't know the identity of Xiao Yu, and people who are as famous as Jiang Tianyu are by their side.

"Jiang Tianyu?" Xiao Yu frowned.

No wonder he said that his surname was familiar, and he didn't want to be related to Jiang Tianyu.

For this name, he couldn't be more familiar.

Since his rise, people here have been comparing him with Jiang Tianyu.

Of course, there is also Zhao Xin.

It's just that Zhao Xin's identity and nature are more special, because Zhao Xin is already the next Sect Master of the Magic Moon Sect, and can only be regarded as a half disciple.

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't think about which of his own and Jiang Tianyu's talents was stronger. What he cared about most now was how Han Shishi was.

If this Jiang Pei really did something to Han Shishi, he would definitely adopt corresponding measures regardless of Jiang Tianyu, or super genius, or Clear Sky School.

But now it seems that Jiang Pei is targeting himself.

Immediately afterwards, the rough man told Xiao Yu and Jiang Pei about going to Bi Lingyu.

After Xiao Yu listened, his eyes were murderous.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu with a strange expression.

Who is this boy? Why are you so concerned about the Han family?

"Is this Jiang Pei great?" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of Jiang Pei, many people shuddered...

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