Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1977: I'm late

Xiao Yu didn't have time to rest at all, as he walked towards Bi Lingyu.

It can also be said that when he learned that Han Shishi had something to do, he left Gaoyue Town without thinking about it, taking you as something that didn't require much thought.

According to the time previously calculated, Xiao Yu can go to Xiaoyao Gate at noon tomorrow, but if he changes his direction to the Bi Lingyu now with all his strength, and then rushes back to Xiaoyao Gate, he will just be in time for the Zong Sect replacement meeting.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Yu was not worth it, and it was also very dangerous.

Bi Lingyu is a place of murder!

Jiang Pei might kill Xiao Yu this time!

In this way, maybe there is no life to go back to Xiaoyaomen.

But Xiao Yu chose to go to Bi Lingyu without hesitation.

It was not because Xiao Yu was irrational, but because he knew that compared to the position of Xiaoyaomen Mountain Gate, Han Shishi was a life!

And, what he knows, this incident is probably because of himself.

In the next morning, under Xiao Yu's full rush, he finally reached the Bi Lingyu.

At this time, Han Yinan and others were anxious. In the hall, the elders and Han Xinhui, the new Patriarch, also had very ugly faces.

"Why didn't you notify me of such a big thing!" Han Xinhui's face was very heavy.

Han Ruisong was killed, he became the helm of the Han family, and in his heart, although there was a hint of resentment for the boy who killed his father, in the final analysis, Han Ruisong died well.

And afterwards, the boy also unearthed a genius in their Han family who had a higher refining talent than himself, Han Shishi.

For the sake of the overall situation, Han Xinhui can only let go of this resentment.

In addition, because of that incident, both my father and Taoist couple died, but what they got in exchange was their Han family. They should feel honored for the whole life, or even hundreds of years to come, that is OK. Familiar with a super genius, and have a good relationship with Xiaoyaomen.

Especially these recent events make them feel that this is an opportunity.

No matter whether the final winner is Xiaoyaomen or the boy, there is no loss to their Han family, and it may even be a rising tide.

And Han Xinhui has been in retreat for the past few months. Who knew that such a big incident happened to Han Shishi as soon as he left the customs. How could this not shock him?

Han Yinan said solemnly: "Neither did we expect that Jiang Pei would come to our Han's house. Jiang Pei was brought by Zhong Xiajie!"

"This **** thing!!" Han Xinhui was furious.

Zhong Yun of the Zhong family was killed by Xiao Yu. Their Han family had already known that the Zhong family was worried about it, and now they have teamed up with outsiders to deal with the Han family!

"The top priority now is to spread the news. I hope Xiao Yu can know the news and come back to help us, otherwise it will pass today..." the other elder said with a heavy face.

It can be said that Han Shishi is the mainstay of their Han family. In the past six months, her refinement cultivation has progressed at a rapid pace.

And Han Xinhui has always cared for the collateral sister of his family. It can be said that the hope of the whole family lies in her. How can he not be anxious?

But when he thought of this point in time, Han Xinhui looked very ugly.

"However, at this point in time, it was the seven sect replacement meeting, and if Xiao Yu returned from the western part of the grave, he might have already returned to the sect."

The expressions of Han Yinan and the others dimmed in an instant.

This possibility is of course the greatest.

Is the fate of Shishi about to disappear like this?

Is there no way?

Just as the minds of a few people were lost, a figure swept in quickly.

"Sorry, I'm late."

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