Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1980: Go kill Jiang Pei!

The Living Spirit Wood Formation is a five-level formation, a formation that can be transformed into life and death.

It was originally learned from Xiao Yu's brain array.

When Xiao Yu reached the Spiritual Soul Realm, he could practice the fifth-level formation, and there were so many formations, but he chose this creature spirit wood formation.

Don't look at the name as a kind of vibrant formation, but in fact, the living wood formation is a killing formation.

It was also because Xiao Yu was healed by Lin Yao's wood flesh **** pattern and swallowed Lin Yao's blood, which gave the life and soul the wood formation a kind of living dead, flesh and bone ability.

In addition, Xiao Yu is no longer the Great Master of the Spirit Realm, he is the Heaven Master of the Spirit Realm!

In addition, it broke and controlled the forest attribute mystery of the ancestor of the Purple Spirit Sect. The formation of the "wood" he controlled, of course, the ability to comprehend the formation of the wood was increased many times.

You know, the attributes of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are the largest and most primitive attributes in nature.

When the heaven and the earth are not divided, the heaven and the earth are mixed together, which is called chaos.

At that time, there was no sun, moon and stars, no alternate day and night, no wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and no mountains, trees, trees, humans, animals, insects, and beasts.

Since Pangu opened the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth formed the five elements, and then all things in the world.

Because of this, Xiao Yu had such a strong and pure aura of heaven and earth in the places where he had encountered burning fire many times.

Burning fire is the fire of heaven and earth, and naturally it is very close to the nature of fire.

And the energy of this wood element is also the foundation of life energy, so it is simply too easy to heal a person.

What's more, is a soul cultivator whose body is like a mortal?

Xiao Yu, the living creature's wooden formation, is a fifth-level formation!

It is more than enough.

Countless green lights, as if booming from beneath the ground, are full of endless vitality and nourish Han Shishi.

It feels like being born in the mother's belly, comfortable and warm.

In just a while, strangely, the dry skin on Han Shishi's body started to bulge slowly.

The waxy skin gradually became softer, especially the horrible mummy-like face, gradually plumped.

In the whole room, endless vitality enveloped the earth like spring flowers.

The time of three small hours is quickly over, and Han Shishi is also showing the original appearance at this time.

Han Yinan and the others came in after receiving Xiao Yu's order. When they saw the **** the bed, they couldn't help but shine.

Lying on the bed was a beautiful girl with curly muscles.

Han Shishi sat up, feeling like she was reborn.

She quickly went to look in the mirror and touched her face with an unbelievable look.

Han Shishi was originally light and beautiful, but now her nose, small lips, bright eyes, and almost flawless face look more beautiful than before.

This face of Chen Yuluoyan makes people salivate when seeing it.

"Is this me?" Han Shishi looked at Xiao Yu incredulously.

"Of course." Xiao Yu smiled lightly.

Han Yinan and the others couldn't help taking a breath, admiring this mysterious and talented young man even more.

In just three hours, it was almost like coming back to life.

And they, as well as Han Shishi, naturally didn't know that after the blessing of the living wood formation, Han Shishi's body was no longer the ordinary mortal womb before.

At this time, the strength of Han Shishi's physical body, under the nourishment of the living wood formation, is almost comparable to the three-day state.

Of course, in addition to a series of aspects such as talent and mental outlook, Han Shishi will be much better than ordinary soul cultivators, and the speed of aging will be slower than ordinary people.

As for the appearance, it is only the result of some anger, and it has reached a state of returning to the original.

At this time, there was a drop of silver-white water droplets in Xiao Yu's palm.

The strange thing is that this drop of water is not ordinary water, but something full of cold air.

This is the so-called North Silver Water.

"Is Jiang Pei?"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, palms squeezed, and with a "poof", the water of North Silver turned into invisible powder and dissipated in the air.

Xiao Yu turned around and left.

"Xiao Yu, are you... are you really going?" Han Shishi asked nervously in a low voice.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Yes, there are some things that need to be resolved after all."

After all, Xiao Yu just left.

Han Yinan and Han Xinhui looked at each other and took a deep breath.

Xiao Yu, going to kill Jiang Pei!

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