Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1999: Hou Chunyang leaves

This decision was Yi Shuyun's decision not to abolish Hou Chunyang's cultivation.

At that time, because of such a decision, it was immediately opposed by all the elders of Xiaoyaomen.

In their opinion, Hou Chunyang's rebelliousness has completely violated the purpose of Kaishan Sect Master. They fear that if Hou Chunyang's cultivation is not abolished, Hou Chunyang will inevitably pose an unpredictable threat to Xiaoyaomen.

After all, you must know that Hou Chunyang's cultivation base was the first person under Xiaoyaomen Sect Master!

The status of the great elder also allowed Hou Chunyang to win over a large number of disciples who were loyal to him.

In other words, if Hou Chunyang were to be kicked out, it would be absolutely impossible for the disciple who stood by Hou Chunyang to stay.

Since the beginning of the Xiaoyao School of Construction, all the disciples cultivated are modest, self-serving, low-key and introverted as the way to live in the world. This is also the character that is affected by the practice of Xiaoyao Fu.

If only Hou Chunyang is kicked out and the disciples of the disciples stay in the door, it will be a problem for raising tigers, which is bound to have a great influence on the reputation of Xiaoyaomen.

At that time, Yi Shuyun also knew about this, because of compassion, he could only sadly kick the disciple who followed Hou Chunyang out of the sect.

In this way, Hou Chunyang led a full one-third of the Xiaoyao Sect disciples to leave the sect.

Then, the so-called Xuandao Gate was quickly established.

As soon as this news came out, it shocked the entire sect world.

Although Hou Chunyang's departure was not a rebellion, this kind of self-reliance, and still brought so many disciples to leave, this is simply breaking the precedent, unprecedented.

You know, to some extent, that is a sign of the division of the sect!

After that incident, Yi Shuyun was frustrated and felt ashamed of the ancestors of the Xiaoyao Sect, and his practice center was not firm in his wisdom, which caused him to become mad, unable to get sick, and soon he was sitting back to the west.

A generation of masters, who was the world's number one in the sect at the time, disappeared like this, making countless people feel sorry.

It was also from that day that the children of the Xiaoyao Sect began to wither, and many of the talented people in the outside world who wanted to join the Xiaoyao Sect gradually lost their confidence in the Xiaoyao Sect.

The so-called one sinking and one hundred stepping, the Xiaoyao Gate was split out by one-third of its power. How could the overall strength of the Xiaoyao Gate not be weak?

After the assessment of the seven sects, the replacement conference of the sects, or the trial conference of the seven sects, the Xiaoyao Sect can no longer be restored to its former glory, and it has been constantly targeted and excluded, and finally it has become what it is today. appearance.

After Xiao Yu listened, the whole person felt uncomfortable, and a kind of infinite sadness and sigh came to his heart.

He sighed with emotion and said to himself: "I now understand why the elders didn't tell me this. This is your shame!"

Xiao Yu recalled the grievances in Wen Zhan's eyes when they talked about the decline of Xiaoyao Clan.

Twenty or thirty years ago, Wen Zhan and they were still very young, right?

How could this feeling feel good when I saw that my sect fell apart because of internal relations?

If it weren't for that incident, what would the fate of Xiaoyaomen now become?

There is no doubt that, at least, the Xiaoyao Sect does not need to be overwhelmed by a small sect replacement meeting, nor does it need to be worried about the safety of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Han Yinan said: "When I was young, I was very surprised when I heard this news. I didn't expect that something like this would happen to the sect of a thousand years."

"Who expected back then that the contradiction between Hou Chunyang and Yi Shuyun had become so big?"

"I heard that Hou Chunyang had great ambitions. When he competed with Yi Shuyun for the position of Xiaoyaomen's suzerain, he once said that if he was elected as the suzerain, he would be bold and resolute in Xiaoyaomen's position. Infamy."

"The most important thing is that after taking away the Xiaoyao Sect and training for so many years, there are still one-third of the number of disciples. This is a fatal blow to the Xiaoyao Sect." Several Han elders shook their heads and sighed.

Xiao Yu was silent, feeling a little heavy.

The disciples of the sect, not all of them worship the line of the sect master as their teachers, some are collectively guided by the elders, and some are the direct disciples of certain elders.

Those disciples who stand in Hou Chunyang's camp are definitely also radicals.

"Hey, who is right and wrong, who can tell? It's just that they suffered a lot of literary war." Han Yinan said in his heart.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and suddenly thought of something.

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