Shura God Emperor

Chapter 200: Fighting Tianfumen Master


With a biting killing intent and terrifying coercion from the depths of the soul, the three black shadows directly penetrated the bodies of the three masters of Tianfumen.


The pupils of the three Tianfumen masters shrank, all their chests were pierced, and they died!

The three-shadow split killing was surprisingly changed from Xiao Yu's second-level shadow killing array.

Leng Yayue's face was extremely cold, he forgot an important piece of information, this kid is still a genius Array Mage!

However, he was already standing next to the carriage at this time, his face was calm, and his cold voice came out: "Xiao Yu, you are really amazing to me. If you join Tianfumen, I dare say ten years. Later, Tianfumen is under your command."

"Ten years? It's too long, I can't wait, Tianfu Gate, I will let you close it sooner or later." Xiao Yu sneered and shot back.

The strength of the masters of this Tianfumen is too terrifying, if you don't have the ability to rely on it, it is impossible to kill these people.

Get to know, let alone ordinary people, even ordinary cultivators can't be their opponents at all.

Therefore, if there is a chance, Xiao Yu will definitely eliminate this organization.

Of course, the task at hand is to kill these obstacles.

Hearing Xiao Yu's wild words, Leng Yayue sneered: "Xiao Yu, don't be afraid to tell you, I seem to have an illusion. If you didn't die today, Tianfumen might be eliminated by you, but it's a pity that you don't have There is a chance, and your life will be explained here today."

"Oh? You are so confident, do you want to use my father to threaten me?" Xiao Yu raised his brows and said.

"Hahaha! Xiao Yu, you are so smart. I know that you and your father depend on each other for life. Your father is your weakness. Now, I don't need to say anything?"

Xiao Yu said calmly, "Look inside first before talking."

"Isn't it..."

When he opened the curtains on the carriage, his face suddenly changed: "How could this be?"

Inside the carriage, there was a dead pig lying quietly.

Yes, it was a dead pig.

", formation?" Leng Yayue stared at Xiao Yu fiercely, her face turning blue and purple.

What a cunning kid!

But how could I have not noticed it before? It turned out to be a formation!

In fact, Xiao Yu had long anticipated that they might use Xiao Wencheng to threaten him, and then had long since invited the Escort to **** Xiao Wencheng back to the capital, while he was carrying a dead pig.

Before leaving, Xiao Yu took a piece of Xiao Wencheng's hair, and then the actual combat soul power disguised as Xiao Wencheng's breath and attached to the dead pig, so that they would not doubt it.

The six senses of the cultivator are very developed, and even what they see may not be true, they will feel it with their breath.

Therefore, without seeing the situation inside, Leng Yayue always thought that Xiao Wen was in the carriage.

"Now, would you still use my father's life to threaten me?" Xiao Yu said coldly.


Leng Yayue laughed wildly, disdainfully, and said, "Do you think that even so, you are my opponent? In front of me, you have to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Leng Yayue's murderous intent was released, and he immediately slaughtered Xiao Yu, and after a while, he added a red long sword.

Six-Rank Treasure!

"Yan Huo Wu!"

Leng Yayue flipped his hand, and the long sword burst out a ten-meter-large flame sword style, which was cut to death like a fire snake.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. For Leng Yayue, if he was careless, he would probably ruin his life here.

Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and screamed angrily as he killed him.

The sword aura is freely vertical and horizontal, the blue sword glow emitted by the Seven Star Sword and the red snake sword intent are fighting together, intertwined with an astonishing shock wave...

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