Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2004: Changes in space cracks

The sect world was originally a small plane, and the civilization of this plane was only one of the 36 small worlds.

Above the edge of the endless void, there is a chaos all around.

However, in this chaotic world, there was some radiance, and the light like the treasure of heaven flickered in the air.

Here is the "marginal void" zone of the plane world.

The zone here, strictly speaking, does not belong to the plane, but it belongs to the category of the Thirty-Six Small Heavens and Small Heavens.

And this edge of the void zone, there is also a resounding name, called "space conveyor belt."

Yes, here is the place leading to another dimension of space. The so-called place leading to another dimension is leading to the same plane or higher plane.

As the name suggests, since this is a space conveyor belt, it is naturally the only place for people from other spaces to travel here.

Since this is a bridge from one space to another, naturally, a person who guards the bridge is needed here, and those who guard the bridge are called the guardians of the plane.

Of course, strictly speaking, the guardians of these planes are not just guarding the plane of the sect world, they are guarding the world of 36 small heavens.

However, because the war between Zongmen World and Black Cliff World was so fierce thousands of years ago, what is left is the irregular scourge of space cracks, which makes them have to focus almost all of their attention on Zongmen. World.

Under the edge of this chaotic void, there are three figures.

These three figures all looked fifty or sixty years old, and they were the guardians of the plane of the Zongmen World.

People who don’t know, look at their age as the old people, but in fact, their age has reached thousands of years.

Yes, if it is known to outsiders, the jaw will fall off absolutely shockingly.

Cultivation is the road against the sky. It is impossible to break through the shackles of life longevity, at least in the space of this small world.

Perhaps, only by reaching the level of the legendary mighty person can he break through the mortal womb.

However, this group of space guardians is not the same.

In the edge of this chaotic void, there was originally a phenomenon of the opening of heaven and earth, and there was no such thing as time at that time.

On the edge of the void, they seemed to have entered another special, lifeless, or even timeless space, so they were able to survive for so long.

And not so much the credit of this void zone, it is better to say that they survived for so long because of their mission-to protect the stability of the plane.

But they all raised their heads to look at the area on the edge of the void. The expressions of the three of them all showed a kind of worry.

If you follow their gazes, you can see that the chaotic place in mid-air seems to have some strange energy fluctuations circulating. If you look carefully, you can find that there is a grayish color in that space. It makes people feel uneasy.

After a while, the headed old man looked 70 years old. A white-haired old man sighed, "No accident, within a year, the space cracks will change greatly."

The other two guardians of the plane, who were slightly younger, had serious eyes and were silent.

The void zone is connected to the entire sect world.

Strictly speaking, this is the highest and lowest level among all the spaces in the Zongmen world.

Low-level, because the chaotic world is the scene before the beginning of heaven and earth, without any life, time, etc.

High-level, that's because the power of space contained in the Void Zone can't be compared to any place or corner of the entire 36-small world.

Even though it is considered the power to comprehend the laws of space, it is absolutely impossible to have such a huge here.

Just imagine, since this is a space conveyor belt, how can the power of space be so little?

These are naturally a special power that the mighty person gave here when he split the ancient continent.

Otherwise, without sufficient spatial power, it would be impossible to send people out, and people outside would not be able to come in.

And the reason why this white-haired old man is so emotional is that any place in the sect world that involves the power of space will echo this void.

Yes, this grayish-white breath is surprisingly the abnormal movement of space cracks.

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