Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2006: Connection between space channels

When the old man said so, the other two were silent.

Yes, since they are the guardians of the space plane, it does not mean that they can control everything.

Just like the lion is the king of the grassland and the tiger is the king of the forest, there are two different geographical environments.

But if the lion is bound to rule in the forest or kill the tiger, should they stop it?

the answer is negative.

Everything in the world has its laws of operation, and the strong must step on countless blood and flesh to climb up.

If people try to stop it, it is equivalent to stifling the laws of nature.

What they have to do is to maintain the forest or maintain the stability of the grassland. The rest has nothing to do with them.

Because as long as it doesn't affect the forest or jungle, even if the creatures are covered in charcoal and blood is flowing into a river, they will not be able to intervene.

Because this is the world of nine days, the strong are respected, and the weak have only the fate of being eliminated.

The white-haired old man is no longer anxious, but calms up, saying: "Everything has a law, like a dream bubble, like a dew and like electricity. The operation of the world, let it adjust by itself."

The other two old men finally nodded.

Since worry is not coming, why is there still worry?

Since it has nothing to do with them, why bother to intervene?

"By the way, the boss, tomorrow is the replacement meeting of the Seven Sects. The closure of Xuanjian Pavilion for this replacement meeting has been allowed by default." said the black-faced old man.

The white-haired old man nodded and said, "Well, Xuanjian Pavilion suffered heavy casualties. Let them rest for a while."

"But speaking of it, that kid is indeed amazing. From the assessment of the seven sects to the present, he has reached this level in only one year." The black-faced old man was amazed.

Although they have been guarding this face, their attention has been on the plane of Zongmen World for so many years.

Therefore, they know about recent events and have heard too much.

However, the white-haired old man started to hesitate and said, "I remember, that boy, there seems to be a senior from a higher plane, from the Sirius family, right?"

When it comes to this, the two old men nodded.

Yes, one of the main reasons why they are so concerned about Xiao Yu is because of rhubarb.

They couldn't help being shocked when they thought about what happened twenty years ago at the end of the month.

"This child has an extraordinary background and is guarded by the Sirius clan of higher planes. It is not surprising that it can reach this level." The black-faced old man said.

The little old man shook his head and said, "I don't think so. This kid is talented close to monsters, but he is extremely hard at cultivation. Although we don't know what his life is and what secrets he has, I think his goal is definitely not here. , Almost already brewing and preparing to leave."

"Leaving? How easy is it?" The white-haired old man shook his head again.

He said: "His talent is indeed strong, but the affairs of the Black Cliff Sect will not be resolved in a day, and he will not be able to leave in a day. Have you forgotten that the greater the fluctuation of the spatial crack, the greater the spatial passage of the sect Is it weak?"

The black-faced old man nodded and said: "Yes, Black Cliff World and Zongmen World are two adjacent planes. If you want to leave the plane, it is impossible to build a space channel without enough space. Every year, you will change to Zongmen. After the conference, the period during which the seven sects joined forces to consolidate the space cracks, it was the time when the overall space power of the sect world was weakest."

The little old man nodded in agreement: "Yes, these two sects are like natural enemies. The space power of the sect world is weak, because all of them have reached the space cracks. In other words, at this time of year, it is the space of the black cliff world. When the power is strongest, it depends on how long the space cracks they have consolidated together can last."

The white-haired old man hit the nail on the head and said: "But the space cracks will continue to strengthen every year, especially this year, the edge of the void has a vision, which proves that the space cracks are more unstable this time than before."

In other words, it is this year's time, and it is very likely that the world of Zongmen will reproduce the catastrophe thousands of years ago!

The more unstable the space cracks, the more difficult it is for people in the sect world to leave.

The white-haired old man waved his hand and said indifferently: "No matter, it is a blessing, not a curse, or a curse, but let's take a look at what kind of good fortune this group of people in Zongmen World is."


On the other side, the replacement meeting of the Seven Sects also arrived as promised.

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