Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2011: Xiao Yu's missed appointment (part 1)

It's okay for Hou Chunyang not to say it. With that said, Xiaoyaomen's faces suddenly looked ugly, especially those headed by Wen Zhan, whose faces were even more angry and worried.

Yes, Xiao Yu was not in the Xiaoyao Clan. This was what they most worried about and most unexpectedly.

After Xiao Yu came out of retreat, he went to the Southern Clouds to look for the so-called Burning Fire. Wen Zhan and the others knew about this.

But according to time, I should be back about half a month ago!

They didn't know what happened on the way. Until two days ago, the Han family of Bi Lingyu sent all the disciples to tell each other, saying that Xiao Yu's woman was held hostage by Jiang Pei and asked Xiao Yu to rescue him personally.

After listening to Xiaoyaomen, he suddenly felt very surprised.

What they were surprised by was not that the refining genius named Han Shishi in Qilingzhuang was what Xiao Yu called a woman. What they were shocked was that what they most didn't expect to happen really happened, and that was that Xiao Yu really didn't come back!

Since he didn't come back, he went to Bi Lingyu in all likelihood!

Xiao Yu entered the Xiaoyao Sect, and naturally there was a jade slip of life. They knew that Xiao Yu was not dead, and the only thing they worried about was this Jiang Pei!

Jiang Pei!

That was the first-rate powerhouse in the sect world, Jiang Tianyu's uncle!

They made it clear that they were going to stand up for Jiang Tianyu!

It was only two days ago when Jiang Pei entered the Han family in Qilingzhuang.

It would take another day until the disciples of the Han family disseminated the news, and they didn't hear the rumor until yesterday.

After they knew it at that time, Wen Zhan and the others wanted to rush to the Bi Lingyu as soon as possible, but just as the sect replacement meeting was about to come, they simply couldn't get away!

Jiang Pei really took a fancy to this.

While they were anxious, they only hoped that Xiao Yu could smash the space jade slips when they were threatened. Only by smashing the space jade slips could they feel the first time, otherwise even Wen Zhan rushed past the battle between Xiao Yu and Jiang Pei. It's already over.

To this day, they are more nervous than worried.

The space jade slip is not broken, which proves that Xiao Yu successfully challenged Jiang Pei!

Based on their understanding of Xiao Yu's temperament, they would definitely come back.

But when Bi Lingyu returned to Xiaoyao Sect, the time it took was at least until noon today.

This may miss the Zongmen replacement meeting!


Hou Chunyang glanced at the door of Xiaoyao, immediately laughed three times, and laughed to himself: "When we were on the road yesterday, we heard that Jiang Pei had caught Xiao Yu's woman with the goal of challenging him. In this case, he is not. Being killed by Jiang Pei, is it too late for the sect to replace the meeting?"

Bi Lingyu is not far from the hinterland of Qizongmen, and it is still adjacent to Baiyu Valley. The Han family has sent this news to the areas and towns along the way from Bi Lingyu to Xiaoyaomen. Hou Chunyang wants this The news is not strange at all.

They certainly don't know how the battle will end, and they don't care.

But the only thing they could guess was that Jiang Pei challenged Xiao Yu at this point in time. On the one hand, he would naturally eradicate Jiang Tianyu's competitors; on the other hand, Xiao Yu would not be able to participate in the sect replacement meeting.

This kind of intention can be guessed at a glance as long as a person with a discerning eye.

The eyes of Xiaoyaomen showed sullenness, and they didn't speak.

"You are talking nonsense! Junior Brother Xiao is not dead at all, he has already rushed back!" One of the **** Xiaoyaomen disciples shouted in disgust.

But with such a kick, the hundreds of people from the second- and third-rate sect forces suddenly exploded.

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