Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2017: Zhonglishan Gate

During the battle just now, the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect had been praying for Xiao Yu to come back, but they still couldn't wait.

The process of waiting is anxious, but after waiting, I have to face it, just like facing this sect replacement meeting.

The four disciples of Xiaoyaomen were already waiting for orders, and among them, Yin Bai was naturally present.

Wen Zhan, Elder Jiang and Han Yi looked at the four disciples Yin Bai they had selected, and felt a heavy heart.

Compared with Ren Zhongchen, Chen Baifei, and Lu Jun, who can rank among the top ten of the younger generation of the entire plane, and then look at the disciples they chose to challenge today, it is simply a heaven and an underground.

The strongest Yin Bai, but the cultivation base of the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and he was still injured, it was impossible to fully play.

Looking at the other three disciples, the strongest one is the first in the inner door of Xiaoyaomen, whose name is Zhu Jie, but it's just Golden Core Realm Great Perfection.

You know, take the previous Xuanjian Pavilion's Sword Enlightenment Conference, and the fourth-ranked Kong Zhuo of Xuanjian Pavilion's inner gate is also the Golden Core Realm Great Perfection.

Take a look at Jin Sui, the number one inner door of Xuanjian Pavilion.

Jia Chen of the Haotian School is also number one in the inner sect, but he is already a master of the earth spirit realm!

This is the gap!

Imagine that even the strongest Yin Bai was no better than Lu Jun, but that was the situation last year.

Do they still have a chance this year?

Wen Zhan took a deep breath, glanced at them, and said in a deep voice: "You are all the pride of Xiaoyaomen. No matter what the result is, as long as you try your best, the ancestors of Xiaoyaomen will not blame you!"

Yin Bai and others' faces showed a kind of going to death, a kind of determination.

"The elders can rest assured that we will never fail the cultivation of the sect! We will definitely go all out!" Zhu Jie said first.

"Yes! We will do our best!"

The other two disciples selected for the challenge also spoke in unison.

Yin Bai solemnly said: "I also promise that even if I die in battle, I will maintain the dignity of Xiaoyaomen!"

Wen Zhan and the three of them were moved, and their hearts felt sad.

These four disciples are the strongest four that they can handle at Xiaoyaomen now!

For so many years, Xiaoyaomen has not provided them with better resources, but they have repaid them with death. Just ask, how can they not be sad.

"Maybe everything is destined, just do your best, you don't need to fight each other with fate." Elder Jiang said seriously.

What he said was true, but when he said it, the old look on his face seemed to grow stronger.

This scene was sighed by everyone present.

If it is under normal circumstances, being seen by ordinary people, it is simply that the hearers are moved by it, and the listeners shed tears.

But they did not.

The world of fist supremacy is not allowed to be dominated by so-called mercy and sympathy.

Hou Chunyang stood a step forward and snorted coldly: "Central war, it’s too late to withdraw now. I’m not afraid that there will be no firewood to stay in Qingshan. Since Yi Shuyun accepted it, the decline has been inevitable. His temperament is so bad, before I leave. After a few years, how can you lead Xiaoyaomen?"

"Hou Chunyang, shut up!"

Han Yi was furious: "The former suzerain has left, please show respect to the dead! You are the chief culprit of Xiaoyaomen's decline!"

Hou Chunyang's expression turned gloomy, and said, "Stubborn guy! If I were the Sovereign, how could the Xiaoyao Sect be reduced to this point! Not to mention, today, the gate of the mountain is destined to change its master. I will get the position of the gate here. Later, I will re-establish the mountain gate and change the Xuandao gate to the Xiaoyao gate!"


As soon as this was said, the crowd was in an uproar...

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