Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2038: The flesh is almost demon

Xiao Yu could only see that his hands were like the clutches of the clutches, just like water and fire, impenetrable iron clamps firmly grasping the war spear.


The power of countless thunder and lightning surged onto Xiao Yu's body, but Xiao Yu suddenly shouted, "Break me!"


Violet light rose from Xiao Yu's body, and the ancient power aura that seemed to come from the deserted ancient times burst up at the same time.

At this moment, the bone on his arm burst out with energy like rushing to the sea.

The strong to the extreme physical strength made Chen Baifei's face change wildly.

"This body refining breath..." Chen Baifei was shocked, completely stunned on the ground.

The power of vitality and blood from Xiao Yu's body is simply reaching the level of a sixth-level monster!

Sixth-level monster! That is the top monster in the sect world.

But even the strongest one Chen Baifei has ever seen is comparable to the four-fold or even five-fold demon-beast aura of the Good Fortune Realm. Compared with Xiao Yu's overbearing, unmatched, and suffocating vitality power, It is nothing short of a witch.

In a short while, the power of thunder on Xiao Yu's body was like a cat meeting a mouse, and was driven away by the power of Zilin.

Ren Zhongchen, who was not far away, changed again when he saw this.

In the phantom formation, Xiao Yu did not fully use the power of the formation method, but also cooperated with the other powers contained in him. This two-pronged approach, as well as the coordination of different powers, the method of splitting two minds, simply made this genius I felt a complete shock.

Everyone knows that Xiao Yu is a double repair, but the hardest part of double repair is to focus on two purposes.

To maintain a powerful phantom formation itself requires great mental intent, but now it is still able to free up other minds to control other powers. To be honest, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Under this circumstance, it is different from the combination of normal attack and formation attack in the normal dual repair presentation.

Because Xiao Yu himself had maintained a huge array of hundreds of meters in the Lin Zhi Huan Array.

This formation is the most important thing. It occupies most of the mind and creates a fighting environment that is powerful against Xiao Yu.

Of course, he had seen and believed in the rumor that Xiao Yu's body was almost a demon.

Chen Baifei's magical powers of fairy runes are supernatural, varied and capable of attacking the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Although this attribute is not very pure and does not account for much, how can a super genius who can be as famous as himself be weak?

Of course, Chen Baifei didn't think so much, he only knew that Xiao Yu was close at hand, and he definitely couldn't let the other party succeed.

"Get me up!"

He has wings to help him, and his cultivation base is stronger than Xiao Yu. He suddenly shouted, as if to pick up Xiao Yu with the strength of his whole body.

But Xiao Yu's feet were as steady as a chime stone, like an old tree with roots, motionless.

"How come..." Chen Baifei's heart was shocked again.

The physical strength of the Heavenly Spirit Realm Dacheng was so powerful that he had encountered it for the first time.

Of course he didn't know that although the power of Zilin was only transmitted from a single bone, Xiao Yu's flesh and bones had long been tempered into steel and iron bones.

In addition, Xiao Yu, who had come from Wolf Demon Jue and Wild Bull Tyrant Body, had a physical body that was not comparable to an ordinary person of the same realm.

It is a powerful person in the realm of good fortune, tempering the mortal body with the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and with Chen Baifei's physical strength, it is no more than Xiao Yu.

"Get up!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and shouted loudly, and War Spear picked up Chen Baifei on the spot.

Chen Baifei was flying with the help of his wings. When Xiao Yu was so picked, he almost followed the trend, and his whole body rose into the air.

Chen Baifei's face changed wildly. He felt a terrifying force abandoning himself towards the sky, and he did not have any resistance.

"not good!"

The moment his body was thrown into the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank...

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