Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2041: Reappearance of Tibetan Road

But something like a grinding disc appeared in Xiao Yu's hand.

This millstone looks very old, probably as small as a palm, and it is full of ancient auras inside.

However, people who are familiar with something like this millpan shocked their faces when they saw this scene, especially Hou Chunyang.

"How come!? Hidden path! How could the hidden path be in his hands!!!?"

Hou Chunyang's face was full of shock.

Zangdaotai, that is the largest palace in Xiaoyaomen-the representative token of Princess Xiaoyao Palace!

In other words, the person who owns the Tibetan Taoist Platform is generally the suzerain!

Because it is impossible for Tibetan Taoist platform to appear in such a place! Only in the Happy Palace!

Hou Chunyang exclaimed, Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu's expressions suddenly changed.

"What!? This is the legendary Tibetan Taoist platform? Is this true?" Fan Yu couldn't help shaking when he saw the small grinding plate with such a big palm.

Zhuo Qinghai said solemnly: "It is rumored that the Tibetan Taoist platform is not only a token of the palace lord of the Xiaoyao Palace, and those who have been approved by the Tibetan Taoist platform will greatly improve the speed of cultivation.

"Could it be that he borrowed the Tibetan Taoist platform to cultivate such a fast speed?" Fan Yu gasped.

If this is the case, then it can be explained that in this short period of one year, this enchanting young man, with his abnormal cultivation talent, has reached the current level.

However, Fan Yu turned around and exclaimed: "No! If the Tibetan Taoist platform is on his body, doesn't it mean... that he is the Sect Master of Xiaoyaomen!?"

How is this possible! ?

Hou Chunyang's face was gloomy suddenly, and Zhuo Qinghai's eyes were even more surprised.

The Tibetan Taoist Platform is a symbol of the suzerain in the Xiaoyao Gate for all dynasties!

In this way, does it mean that this young man is already the Sect Master of the new generation of Xiaoyaomen?

But is this possible?

The Sect Master of Xiaoyaomen has disappeared for more than 20 years.

Zhuo Qinghai and Fan Yu looked at Hou Chunyang one after another, both of them showed a heavy expression in their eyes.

"Hou Chunyang, when you left, Yi Shuyun was already the sect master. After you left, news of Yi Shuyun's sitting and returning came from Xiaoyaomen. How could this sect master fall on this kid?"

Hou Chunyang stared at Xiao Yu in the distance, and said solemnly: "Yes, Wen Zhan, Nan Ouhong, and Ruo Qingxi were the heirs of Yi Shuyun. Nan Ouhong left with me, and then disappeared. Wen Zhan didn't get the inheritance of the suzerain, so only that little girl is eligible to inherit."

Hou Chunyang told them about this matter.

"Could it be that Xiaoyaomen's suzerain secretly passed on?" Fan Yu's expression changed wildly.

If this is the case, it is enough to explain why that young man has a Tibetan Taoist platform on his body!


Hou Chunyang still stared at Xiao Yu's figure, and said: "The inheritance of the Xiaoyao Sect master is a major event. The whereabouts of the current Sect Master has not been known for a long time. If there is no inheritance ceremony, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of the Xiaoyao Sect masters."

And Hou Chunyang was the most surprised, because he had thought that the Xiaoyao Sect was banned at that time, and after entering the Xiaoyao Palace, he could use some means to obtain the inheritance of the Xiaoyao Sect's lord, and this Tibetan Taoist platform is the key!

now what?

His plan seems to have fallen through.

At the same time, an astonishing chill flashed in his eyes.

This son, must die!

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