Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2055: Forced palace

They are onlookers. Strictly speaking, they just come to make soy sauce and watch the fun.

But they never thought that something like today would happen!

what is this? This is the disaster of extinction!

Xuan Dao Sect, Xian Fu Zong, Escape Palace, the Three Sects combined with the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect shocked Xiaoyao Sect. This sent them a message--

Could it be that Xiaoyao Sect was the breakthrough for the Black Cliff Sect to open the world of the Sect?

Hou Chunyang glanced at a group of casual cultivators behind him, as well as the people of the second and third sects, and said: "Good birds choose trees and live in them. If you don't want to be killed at the end of the day, now is the time to join us! If not! , When the space cracks open, it will be the day you wait for death!"

"The space crack is torn apart!?"

All those people are disillusioned, Hou Chunyang repeatedly emphasized, is it possible to scare them into failure?

It doesn't look like it at all!

What happened this time today seems to indicate that bad things will come to the sect world.

Otherwise, if they don't have the background, how can they dare to say such crazy talk?

Who would have thought that they were just here to join in the fun, but didn't expect to accidentally wade into this muddy water?

Wen Zhan, Jiang Yuan and Han Yi were furious.

"Hou Chunyang! Don't be alarmist here! Evil is invincible, do you know that the guardian of the plane is monitoring this plane, do you think your plan can succeed?"

Baihong looked up coldly, stared at Wen Zhan, and sneered: "You are right. The guardians of the plane certainly have the right to drive us away, but this is the usual situation. Now the cracks in the space are increasing and the plane is unstable. They His duty is to maintain the stability of the plane, not the stability of the cracks in the space. And, do you think that since the way of heaven is already like this, can manpower conquer the sky?"

Baihong's remarks provided too much information, but after Wen Zhan listened to them, they couldn't refute a word.

Yes, if it’s on weekdays, the black cliff sect’s demonic cultivators don’t dare to mess around, one is to guard against the seven sects, and the other is to have the supervision of the guardians of the planes, they don’t dare to be too presumptuous and too urging Own power to prevent being expelled.

This was also when Baihong was looking for Xidong. The latter tried to boost his momentum out of anger, but Baihong stopped him.

However, the situation is different now. The increase in the date of the space crack will cause the plane to become more unstable.

The guardian of the plane is to stick to the space channel between the planes and maintain the stability of the plane.

But they are not responsible for maintaining the cracks in the space.

Otherwise, for the past thousand years, the guardian of the plane has been enough, how can the seven gates be needed to maintain it together?

That's because of this space crack, which is the grievance between Black Cliff World and Zongmen World!

There are laws of competition in the world, and even a powerful person cannot prevent the law of the nine-day world.

Because every creature has the right to survive, and since it has the right to survive, there will naturally be natural enemies and competition.

As long as it is cultivation, it is going against the sky, and it needs to fight against the sky, against the earth, and against people.

This is the law of the operation of the world, which cannot or cannot be interfered by man.

Even if the "world" is allowed to develop, how can human beings overcome the world?

Therefore, Baihong and the others dared to really step on the Xiaoyao Gate at this juncture, threatening to destroy the Xiaoyao Gate in preparation for the invasion of the Black Cliff Sect.

Because they were able to survive, Hou Chunyang chose to oppose the Xiaoyao Sect and the Sect World.

Xiao Yu didn't say a word when Baihong appeared, but no one knew. At this time, the frost on his face was like murderous intent. The pieces were condensed and filled with coldness.

It turned out that everything was a conspiracy, but he should have thought of it long ago.

Ever since Ibo and the others tried to control the Lin Family of Qingyun Territory, they began to want to control the vast area of ​​Qingyun Territory.

At the same time, with ten years as the boundary, the priests of the Southern Cloud Region were drawn together, and Batu and his father were encouraged to enter the Tao, trying to resurrect and evolve the dragon with blood sacrifices.

At the same time, the Blood Refining Sect on the Tomb Western Region was also United Youjia, coveting the thousand coffins in the Tomb Western Region Tomb.

Finally, there is the sect replacement meeting at the Xiaoyao Sect, where the three sects unite with the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect to force a confession to the Xiaoyao Sect.

All of these seem to be independent, but they are all connected!

This year is not just an eventful year, it may really be a year of disaster!

But even so, would Xiao Yu have to tie his hands?

The answer is no. In any case, he will fight this disaster to the end.

Not only for the people around me, but also for myself.

Wen Zhan Lei Ting was furious, and he sternly said: "Do you really think that you can destroy my Xiaoyao Gate today? It depends on you?"

Baihong sneered: "I alone is not enough to destroy your Xiaoyaomen, A Fei, don't hide it, come out."

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