Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2076: Who is the betrayer

With Xiao Yu's terrible conjecture, even he felt a chill.

Wu Chen said that the Black Cliff Sect has long been restored to its peak state, but the sect world is still only 70% to 80% of the overall strength, and the various sects are intrigue and intrigue. When these factors are combined, it is absolutely impossible to be black. Yazong’s opponent.

In addition, this time the sect replacement meeting, the black cliff sect's conspiracy and tricks failed, and two masters were still killed. Under such a state, it is likely to stimulate the hearts of this group of insidious people, and then accelerate to make them want Invaded the ambition of Xiaoyaomen, so that the soldiers went dangerously, and started when the seven sects jointly sealed the space crack.

Because Wen Zhan and Xiao Yu said that if the space crack is not sealed, or because a certain sect is absent, this kind of spatial instability will increase, and the seal of the space crack will become weaker and weaker.

It needs to be known that the Black Cliff Sect must be eyeing on the other side, I am afraid that the army will be ready soon, and it will attack on a large scale once the space crack breaks.

At this time, wouldn't it be very dangerous if we cooperated internally and externally?

Xiao Yu's bold conjecture really changed the expressions of the three of Wen Zhan and the others.

But it was still the great elder Jiang Yuan who stood up, after all, he was the oldest and the most composed.

"There is a possibility. At the beginning, the Mighty One sealed the space cracks, not to completely prevent the Black Cliff Sect from invading the Xiaoyao Gate. The original intention of the Mighty One at that time was to make our sect world have a sense of crisis, because everything has its own. The law of operation, since space cracks exist, humans cannot control it, including the plane guards. Because of this, they will not care about the grievances of the thirty-six small world, because this is a heavenly arrangement. It's not because the battle between the Black Cliff Sect and the Zongmen World has affected the spatial stability of the entire 36th Small Heaven Plane. It is impossible for a powerful person who follows the laws of nature to take action."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly and agreed.

Everything has an aura, and everything has its own laws of operation. Even the mighty can't change this law. Is human power okay?

Maybe only the legendary "god" can do it?

Jiang Yuan continued: "Thousands of years ago, the mighty man sealed the crack and passed the sealing method to the master of the seven sects, and left a sentence: If we don’t want disaster to happen again, we must send someone to seal it every year, and Be strict with yourself and improve your cultivation level, otherwise the balance of victory will fall seriously next time a disaster strikes."

"What does the last sentence mean?" Xiao Yu asked.

Jiang Yuan actually sighed and said: "The so-called prosperity must decline, there is no long-lasting truth in the world."

Wen Zhan also sighed: "The mighty one is worthy of being a mighty one. I didn't expect that he actually became a true word. Our plane is much weaker than it was a thousand years ago. It can be said that the war was a thousand years ago. From the beginning, our dimension has slowly declined."

After Xiao Yu listened, it suddenly dawned on him.

He seemed to understand that no matter it was a family, a dynasty, or a huge area, it was impossible to stay the same.

Either continue to recreate the peak, or decline.

However, countless deeds in the long history of history all show one point-prosperity must decline.

Looking at the Xiaoyao Gate now, it seems calm, but in fact it is full of gazes, and the inside is even more fragile.

In this state, how do you welcome what will happen in the future?

"For this, we really have to admire the people of the Black Cliff Sect. It is said that the cultivation environment in the Black Cliff World is extremely harsh, and a large number of people die every day. People there are living in dire water, so they have to find a way out. The way out is the sect world." Wen Zhan sighed.

Jiang Yuan was also slightly tired and said: "Our plane is declining. Maybe the world of Black Cliff has been cultivated for thousands of years. Because of the shame thousands of years ago, it may stand in a stronger position. If the space cracks are really broken, Zong The door world is absolutely impossible to maintain the status quo."

This is not alarmist talk, it is a result they have already expected.

Let alone the reasons for the decline of the sect world over the years, such as disunity and separate governance, the appearance of A Fei and Baihong alone today, judging from the combat effectiveness of the two, can definitely explain everything.

Wen Zhan used the Seven Layers of Good Fortune Realm to ascend the position of the first person under the seven sects of Zongmen World, but still tied with A Fei, and Wen Zhan also felt that A Fei did not use his full strength.

In Baihong's words, A Fei is equivalent to the true disciple of Zongmen World, which is simply too shocking.

If the elder level of the Black Cliff Sect was dispatched, how terrifying would that be?

Above the elder level, there is the strongest one!

"Let's get back to the subject, now which of the six sects is a ghost, we are not sure for the time being, but three days later, after the joint seal, I don't think they will choose to betray at this point." Jiang Yuan said, this is back to the discussion. topic of.

Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Yuan in confusion, Wen Zhan and Han Yi nodded slightly, seeming to agree.

Wen Zhan explained: "Xiao Yu, there is actually something you don’t know. In order to prevent traitors from combining with the Black Cliff Sect and harming the world of the sect, the seven sect masters stipulated that even if the representatives of the six sects were present, it was fine. Reluctantly activate the seal. Under this circumstance, if anyone wants to rebel in this situation, he will definitely be besieged by Liuzongmen."

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and asked, "What if there are more than two betrayal sects?"


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