Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2078: Feng Chen's Past (Part 1)

Xiao Yu saw the reaction in their expressions, and didn't feel that he was more sure of the thoughts in his heart.

When Xiao Yu looked at Wen Zhan's air, he seemed to understand something.

Ruo Qingxi is a junior in Wen Zhan! Now if Qingxi is nowhere to be seen, how could he be indifferent as a big brother?

But what happened during this period?

Jiang Yuan sighed slightly and said: "At this level, I should have told you at this time."

Han Yi first asked, "Xiao Yu, how much do you know?"

Xiao Yu immediately told Wen Zhan what he had heard from Qi Lingzhuang's Han family.

Wen Zhan shook his mind, his eyes were a little dim, but more sighed, and said: "Yes, I was a senior brother, Ou Hong was the second junior, Qingxi was the third junior. Among the three of us, actually I She’s talent is not the best, it’s the younger sister, but outsiders don’t know about it, and because she loved her younger sister, she deliberately prevented her from showing it to outsiders."

Xiao Yu nodded, this Han Yinan and the others also told him.

"What happened later?"

"Later, as you heard, Ou Hong followed Hou Chunyang and left. A few years later, the master sat down, and then passed the Sect Master to me."

Xiao Yu was taken aback, and actually passed it to Wen Zhan?

This was something he hadn't expected before!

"But..." Wen Zhan shook his head and said, "I let the master down, I was not ready, and then I gave up the position of the master."

"In the end, it was passed to Senior Ruo, didn't it? How about her now?" Xiao Yu asked again.

He seemed to feel a lot of complicated emotions from Wen Zhan's eyes.

When Jiang Yuan and Han Yi saw this, they seemed a little unbearable. The latter said, "I'll do it."

"It's better for me to come, this matter is better for me." Wen Zhan shook his head, his thoughts seemed to have returned far away.

He sorted it out and returned to reality, whispering.

When Xiao Yu heard this, he couldn't help but follow his mind. He didn't expect that Wen Zhan, Nan Ouhong, and Ruo Qingxi would have such a story.

It turned out that Wen Zhan and Nan Ou Hong both fell in love with the younger sister who was a few years younger than them.

At that time, Ruo Qingxi had outstanding talents, but she was also a slim big beauty. At her teenage age, she attracted Wen Zhan and Nan Ouhong at the same time.

But this is the case in the world. It is impossible for all facts to have satisfactory results.

Wen Zhan was intentional by the king, and the goddess had no intention. Ruo Qingxi was attracted by the younger and more suave Nan Ouhong, and immediately developed a heart of love.

However, Nan Ouhong is also a cultivator madman, he is dedicated to pursuing the road of cultivation, and seems to have not invested much in this relationship.

Wen Zhan, knowing that Ruo Qingxi was just a big brother, secretly acted as a guardian, and did not express his heart.

In this way, until Hou Chunyang rebelled, Nan Ouhong felt that he was hopeless in Xiaoyaomen, and then left. Ruo Qingxi was also heartbroken, suffering from lovesickness all day long.

A few years later, Yi Shuyun knew that he was ashamed of his ancestors and his ancestors, and he was exhausted and returned, and the position of the suzerain naturally passed to the hands of his senior brother Wen Zhan.

In fact, Ruo Qingxi’s talent at that time was already stronger than Wen Zhan, but at that time, Ruo Qingxi’s mind was not above the level of cultivation. Even after several years, Ruo Qingxi still had concerns about Nanou Hongxin. Yi Shuyun's deadline is approaching, and he also knows that Ruo Qingxi is not the best candidate for the sovereign.

It is a pity that the most difficult thing in the world is love.

Wen Zhan saw Ruo Qingxi indulging in cultivation all day long to numb herself, and Dao Xin also began to be unstable.

He knew that he was not suitable for being a suzerain, so he let it out and gave it to Ruo Qingxi.

Just after Ruo Qingxi became the Sect Master, in fact, from this time, Xiaoyao Gate was destined to begin to decline.

Who knows, a few years later, Nan Ouhong suddenly appeared, which accelerated the process of destruction of Xiaoyaomen...

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