Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2097: "The Desolate Land" (Part 2)

Xiao Yu's words shocked the group on the spot.

"Xiao Yu, do you know something?" Qiu Qingrong asked quickly.

Yu Chen and others also felt a bad premonition.

When they think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

The space has been stable in recent years, and it has been shaken more than in previous years.

Especially in the past few days, even though the plane will be extremely static at this time of the year, they also know that around this time of the year, the seven sects will gather and seal the space cracks. Therefore, according to the past, they will not have too much attention.

In the past two days, this kind of spatial vibration has been much more unstable than last year.

The plane shock last year was nothing but a kind of soul shock.

But now it is completely different, that is the plane is so unstable that there is a feeling of vibration!

The plane shakes, how terrifying is this?

Although this plane of Zongmen World is only one of the 36 small worlds, the land here is also extremely vast.

If the entire plane is really shaken, that is the instability of the plane, which has completely exceeded their phenomenon.

Even, I have never tried this in thousands of years.

Xiao Yu's eyes were heavy, and he said, "Have you heard about our recent affairs?"

Mentioning this, they immediately remembered what the sect world was worried about now, the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect invaded the sect world.

"Through it, if this is true, isn't Hundred Medicine Valley quickly falling into a desolate situation? The previous valley owner tried to find a way to prevent the spread of this withered land. Now I think of it, Hundred Medicine Valley Isn't Gu going into the countdown to destruction?" said one of the elders.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, because his attention was only on Baiyaogu.

When Qiu Qingrong listened, the joy of improving his alchemy cultivation base disappeared in an instant.

"There are still more serious problems than this. If the space cracks break and this face becomes the back garden of the Black Cliff Sect, do you think it will take a few more years? As long as one day, this place does not belong to us.

Yu Chen and others turned pale, as if finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Yes, if the space crack expands, then the legendary Black Cliff World will open up the space channel in the Zongmen World, even if you don’t have to wait for this barren land to spread throughout the Hundred Medicine Valley, wouldn’t the panacea here in Hundred Medicine Valley have to change hands? Is it?

The most important thing is that Hundred Medicine Valley has always been indisputable in the world, making their status to some extent higher than that of the Seven Sects.

The invasion of the Black Cliff Sect will never treat them as the same thing, and it is very likely that they will be enslaved by the Black Cliff Sect.

This is like driving them from heaven to hell. Nobody can accept this kind of contrast.

What's more, the soul cultivation of Qiu Qingrong and others are slowly improving. They are full of longing and hope for the future, so now, they are about to be shattered?

All of them looked at Xiao Yu with extremely heavy expressions.

They are all alchemists, and they have no cultivation base. The Black Cliff Sect is so terrifying that they really want to set foot here, can they stop the Hundred Medicine Valley? Can they stop it? the answer is negative.

And all this depends on Xiao Yu, and people from the entire sect world!

Xiao Yu didn't say a word, his eyes seemed to penetrate this space, as if penetrating the distant tree trunk, and immediately took a step...

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