Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2111: Six Sealing Technique

He had swallowed the black pill beforehand, but this kind of spirit pill was only hidden in his bones and blood, even if six people shot at the same time just now, they couldn't detect it.

But at this time, he obviously sensed that the energy of the black snake pill had already begun to work.

A horrible energy wandered among his limbs, moisturizing the flesh and blood on his hands, and the five internal organs.

"It's so amazing!"

Cui Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart. Qi Fu told him that the black pill is a sixth-grade spirit pill, which can help him improve his cultivation. This is true!

Only Cui Yuan knew that if he swallowed the black snake pill, it was tantamount to being enchanted!

But perhaps it was driven by power, which made him feel a powerful force that he had never felt before, even a bit stronger than what they had sensed by the Clear Sky School and Xiaoyao Sect.

This made him forget the issues that he had been worried and considered before.

This is how people are. When a certain benefit reaches a certain level, it will make people forget all kinds of rules, even the fear of death, and go astray.

Cui Yan was in such a situation at this time.

His dark eyes flashed past with a **** look.

None of the six people noticed that a gray-black mist appeared on Cui Yuan's face.

However, Cui Yuan quickly suppressed the black snake pill energy in his body.

If when he went out of the crack enchantment, he was found to have recovered so quickly and had another kind of strange energy, he would definitely be suspected by Wen Zhan and the others.

Go back to the top of the space crack.

The six people knew that there was no other way, Wen Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "Prepare!"

Immediately afterwards, the six people urged together another more complicated seal.

It's just that as soon as this Dharma seal is released, the energy fluctuations on their bodies vibrate more severely. At the same time, their internal organs, bones, tendons, blood, etc., all have a kind of energy urged out.

Lingshi Huang's face changed wildly: "The six-person seal technique really cannot be easily activated. This is based on our essence and blood as the source of energy!"

Wei Yi and their faces are also very ugly.

The burning of essence and blood, including the energy of essence and blood, is driven by an autonomous consciousness, not like the present one, through the seal, directly ingesting your own essence and blood power!

In other words, they didn't know what the Six Sealing Art represented, they just followed the secret method passed down by the modern suzerain to cast the seal.

Because of what kind of sealing technique, no one has ever used it! They are the first time.

But precisely because of the first time, they will have all the scruples.

But I didn't expect that it turned out to be a passive sealing technique to draw the power of essence and blood.

"Damn it! There is one fifth, with our blood and energy, it is very likely to affect our foundation!" Hao Liang's face was extremely pale.

Affecting the foundation will affect the bottleneck in the future, and will also limit their cultivation speed, or the upper limit of their cultivation realm.

This is the last thing all cultivators want to see. At the same time, this is also one of the sequelae of burning golden core, essence and blood, or cultivation base.

"Don't worry about so much! If the sect world is gone, what else do you have to cultivate?" Wen Zhan said in a deep voice.

Wen Zhan didn’t know that his temperament was different from other people. Others might be a wall of grass, and abandon his own sect in order to save his life, but Wen Zhan is different, he will not, for the sect world. , In order to get up and down the door of Xiaoyao, he would rather die.

Gu She also solemnly said: "The matter has not reached the worst point. As long as we work together, it will not necessarily affect the foundation."

Once Huang Lingshi and the others gritted their teeth, can they still shrink back now?

Naturally not.

Soon, the six people began to urge Fayin at a rapid pace.


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