Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2113: Gu She's Worries (Part 1)

After Shi Yan recovered a bit of sanity, she separated from her acquaintances one after another and returned to her own sect.

Wen Zhan and Gu She were left. Gu She seemed to be in a hurry. Upon seeing this, Wen Zhan asked, "Lao Gu, what are you thinking?"

Gu She groaned for a moment, and still told how he felt about sealing the barrier.

Yes, his feeling is surprisingly Cui Yuan.

He felt a kind of strange fluctuation from Cui Yuan, although the fluctuation was only a moment, it made him very uncomfortable.

I knew that kind of breath, but it didn't seem to be captured.

There is no doubt that Cui Yuan's suspicion is the biggest, but there is no flaw in him at all.

Moreover, it's not impossible to find things like crazy things, but at this juncture, it seems that people will come to life.

It's just that when the seal crack was over, Cui Yuan didn't have the kind of betrayal accident he imagined, etc., which made Gu She dispelled the doubt in his heart.

However, Wen Zhan's question made him sound about Cui Yuan again.

Wen Zhan frowned and said: "What you said is indeed a bit strange. Although the seven of us are connected in our minds, we know whoever thinks about it. From this perspective, Cui Yuan chooses the inverse method, but it is OK. To evade our consciousness, but what does he do? Because even if he deliberately gets into trouble, we still have six seals."

Wen Zhan said all Gu She's doubts and thoughts.

"Yes. If Cui Yuan is really deliberate, then he will kill us when we perform the seal technique." Gu She said.

When practicing qigong, retreating, or performing a certain secret technique with all your mind, the thing you avoid is fear of interference from the outside world, so you have to protect the law.

Therefore, the reason why the former Seven Sect Sect Masters jointly arranged such a small enchantment was to prevent outside interference.

After all, the seven ancestors of the previous generations are already the seven strongest people in the sect world so far. They are the most powerful masters in the heyday of this plane. Who has the ability to break the barriers they have jointly used?

Closer to home.

When the six of them were performing the sealing technique, which was when they were most vulnerable, Cui Yuan just recovered from one side and did not bother them at all. This level of reason was that the doubts in Gu She's heart disappeared.

Wen Zhan pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "But you didn't find out. At the end, Cui Yuan seemed to want to kill us. His reaction...makes me feel like a different person."

Speaking of this, Gu She took a deep breath.

Thinking back to Cui Yuan's attitude at the time, it seemed that he also felt a sense of fear.

But he also knew that one of the reasons was that they were all too weak at the time, so that facing Cui Yuan, who was still in the good fortune realm, there would be a small, let alone kneading feeling.

Gu She is older than Wen Zhan, and his experience and knowledge are much more advanced than Wen Zhan.

Gu She said: "You know what happened more than 20 years ago. Clear Sky Sect might really have something we didn't know, but if they colluded with the remnants of Black Cliff Sect, then the conclusion is too early. It's a little bit. The Black Cliff Sect invades, the Clear Sky Sect must be the first to stand out, and they are the first to bear the brunt."

Wen Zhan also discussed this point with Xiao Yu and others.

"But we have to guard against the Clear Sky School."

Wen Zhan turned around and asked, "Lao Gu, I heard that the recent disciples of your Magic Moon Sect have been less active. Have you fortuned anything?"

When I said this, Gu She's expression became serious...

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