Shura God Emperor

Chapter 115: Return to Changling Town

After the seal of the seven sects was over, the space plane of the entire sect world was restored to the usual peace.

The vast majority of people are relieved, the cultivation should be practiced, the monsters should be hunted, the monsters should be hunted, and the tricks should continue.

In the eyes of most people, this kind of spatial vibration that occurs once a year is simply too common, because it will be stable within a few days.

But how did they know that in the ordinary events they thought, the seven sects paid, almost the price of life.

If there were no seven sects silently guarding this plane, the sect world would have ceased to exist.

Hundred Medicine Valley.

At this time, Xiao Yu heard that Yu Chen retelled himself about the seven sects as a representative, sealing the space crack together.

Of course, Yu Chen didn't know, not even everyone except Qizongmen.

Wen Zhan relayed it to Yu Chen and then told Xiao Yu that it was when Yu Chen sent the Ling Pill to Xiaoyao Gate.

At this time, Xiao Yu, Qiu Qingrong, Yu Chen, and the elders of Baiyao Valley were very solemn.

They are one of the few forces that are aware of space cracks, so of course they have a relationship to seal the space cracks.

This is especially true this year, but they didn't expect that the matter seemed to be more serious than they thought.

However, Xiao Yu had already expected these, so his eagerness has not slowed down.

He is mainly concerned about whether the space cracks can be sealed well, and whether the literary war can go back to Xiaoyaomen unharmed.

Now that he knows, then he will set off for Changling Town.

The assessment meeting of the Seven Sects is still gathered in Changling Town.

Baiyao Valley is not far from Changling Town, and it only takes one day.

Here, it was still very lively, giving Xiao Yu a familiar feeling.

"A year ago, I stepped into this land of fighting here, right."

Seeing that there are countless people about his age, and even many people younger than him, all of them are full of heads and arms, and they are full of boundless expectations to participate in the assessment.

The so-called juvenile don't know how to feel sad is such a reaction.

What Xiao Yu experienced may not have been encountered by many people in his lifetime, so his xinxing is no longer the heartbeat of a teenager.

However, compared to a year ago, Xiao Yu's temperament, control of aura, or xinxing, etc. have all been greatly improved.

The only constant is that face that looks immature.

After all, Xiao Yu was only nineteen years old at best, and no one would recognize it even as a returnee.

Moreover, even if he goes to participate in the assessment now, he is still old enough, and the barrier will not have a repelling effect on him.

Of course, those who come to participate in the assessment, unless they failed the previous year and made a comeback again this year, trying to be recruited by the dynasty of the seven sects, or certain family disciples, otherwise, under normal circumstances, there are no disciples of the seven sects, or even People from the second- and third-rate sects would be willing to come here. Isn't this why you have nothing to do?

That night, Xiao Yu still stayed at the inn in Changling Town.

Although he was eager in his heart, in any case, the space crack was temporarily sealed, and some things were useless in urgency.

Is it possible that the seven sect assessment barriers have not been opened, so he will run in?

Therefore, in his opinion, do what you should do.

Xiao Yu was above the inn, which was very lively, all of them were the children of the family in luxurious clothes.

However, Xiao Yu didn't care about everything in the outside world. He just stole a half-day leisure time. He hadn't enjoyed such a comfortable state for a long time.

At this time, in the inn, a group of people came in.

Seeing this group in the crowd, it was as if a mouse had seen a cat, and their expressions were moved.

"Sure enough, he also came to participate."

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