Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2125: The key Tibetan Taoist platform

The Seven Sect Assessment Conference is at a later stage, and it is the choice of the Seven Sects, but this choice requires something similar to the Tibetan Taoist Platform to trigger the content of the assessment.

Of course Xiao Yu knew that perhaps only the Xiaoyao Sect had such a big heart, and the Sect Master of the Xiaoyao Sect and the token of the Xiaoyao Palace were used as stone platforms for assessment.

But Xiao Yu also knew that it was precisely because of the existence of the Tibetan Daotai that the Heavenly Punishment of Xiaoyaomen reached such a terrifying situation.

The small-scale punishment comes after the Xiaoyao Palace, and it is not possible for everyone to pass the small-scale punishment.

For example, thirty years ago, when Xiaoyaomen was still in its heyday, literary warfare touched small punishments.

Last year, Xiao Yu also touched a small punishment.

This kind of assessment is based on the amount of talent potential to adjust the intensity of this oppression.

But you must know that last year, Xiao Yu was no more than the cultivation base of the virtual pill realm, and the literary war that year was also the peak of the real pill realm!

But Wen Zhan passed the small-scale punishment test at that time, but became the first genius of the seven sects at that time!

Where is Ye Xuan?

Golden Core Realm's early cultivation base!

With this kind of cultivation level to participate in the assessment, it is no wonder that among the thousands of assessors, with his voice falling to the ground, no one dared to speak, and even Wu Zhen had to look up to three points high.

Isn't it a sure thing for such a character to enter the true disciple?

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Yu is thinking about one thing now, that is whether to take out the Tibetan Taoist platform.

He saw the desire in Ye Xuan's eyes, and he could also see that Ye Xuan's talent is so powerful that if he enters the sect, he can definitely grow into the ranks of true disciples easily.

But he was thinking about other issues.

First, the Tibetan Daotai is a very important training aid for him now.

If he took it out, he was not sure whether the Tibetan Daotai platform would return to him.

He is not greedy for the Tibetan Taoist platform, but now his free gift is only at the ninth level. He needs to rely on the Tibetan Taoist platform in many ways.

Second, Xiao Yu came here for a purpose, not here to play. After he got the answer he wanted, he would leave and go back to the Hundred Medicine Valley to retreat and wait for the Seven Sect Trial Conference to arrive.

Third, this is the point. If you ignore the first and second points and simply consider the third aspect, then Xiao Yu doesn't want such a genius to be in danger. He was even more willing after the seven sect assessment, if Ye Xuan did not choose, he could directly introduce Ye Xuan to Xiaoyao Sect, which was naturally the best.

So Xiao Yu gave up this idea for the time being, and didn't want to cause too much sensation before he went to work.

Ye Xuan's face was low and solemn, as if a little unwilling.

But he is not reconciled and will not affect the progress of the Seven Sect Assessment Conference as scheduled.

Soon, Wu Zhen opened the entrance of the enchantment, and thousands of examiners cheered and entered one after another.

Halfway through, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with determination and solemnity, and he still stepped into the entrance.

When it was almost time for people to enter, Wu Zhen found that there was a figure of eighteen or nineteen years old, with his hands on his back, as if looking towards him.

If it were an ordinary appraisal child, he wouldn't pay much attention, but when he saw this person, his brows suddenly frowned.

He found that the person seemed to have known each other from time to time, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

He has read countless people, although he is idle, but he has seen many geniuses in the sect world.

The calmness of this person's body is not only rare among people of his age, but the deep posture in the depths of his eyes is not comparable to a child in the secular world.

At this time, the man walked towards him.

"Senior Wu, hello."

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