Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2135: Keep your hands

In any case, no matter how Xiao Yu didn't want to hurt this little girl, he also had a temper and arrogance.

Although he has made great progress along the way, but also because he has the courage to not fear death and dare to fight.

Even the Zongmen Replacement Conference did not make him feel such a death crisis.

At this moment, his blood seemed to be ignited.

A blood-red light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and the red and black substantive energy burned on him.

The terrifying aura of the world, washed down like a hundred thousand waterfalls, the Hammering Heaven monument did not arrive, but the kind of fact that made him have a kind of inlay into the land.

But he still clenched his fists, the attitude of wanting to be higher than God's test.

At the same time, San Mian Shura appeared behind him, and countless spells and fairy sounds filled the human, ghost and **** San Mian Shura's body.

Under the entire cliff, it seems to be full of this strange and dead atmosphere.

Even the little girl's face changed drastically.

"What kind of power is this... Divine Mark? Ninth-rank human level!"

In her impression, the highest-level **** pattern rank in this piece of the world is the ninth human rank!

But she hadn't seen the power of the ninth-rank divine pattern before, but the feeling, compared with the breath of this dead emptiness, was simply heaven and earth!

"Drive me!!!"

Xiao Yu roared, and when the crisis of death came, he felt a kind of devastating murderous intent.


At this moment, the portrait suddenly opened his eyes.


Numerous Shura powers erupted from Xiao Yu's body, and the weird red and black powers condensed into a beam of soaring energy beams that collided with the Heaven Hammer Tablet.

The little girl's face finally moved.

"What kind of power is this..."

She couldn't imagine that there was such a shocking power in the sect world.

Because, in her opinion, in the world of sects, the strongest technique is impossibility, and the strongest strength is the power of dedicate.

There is no power that can find her more jealous or even shocking than the power of Fu.

But what she felt strange was that although this kind of power gave people a breath of silence, there was no malice at all, and it was completely a kind of resistance.

Her eyes flashed, her thoughts moved, and the falling trajectory of the hammer to the sky deviated by a point.


The Heavenly Hammer Tablet collided with the power of Shura that soared to the sky, and under the entire ten thousand-foot cliff, there was an extremely strong vibration.

In the seven sect assessment world.

Back outside, everyone who was being assessed stopped at this moment.

There was a light mark that seemed to be broken in the entire sky, and everyone felt a vibration under their feet.

"What's the matter? Is the beast tide coming?"

"Don't be silly, how could it be a beast tide? It seems that the enchantment of the feature film is shaking! Is the enchantment about to break?"

They were all halfway through the assessment, and they looked into the sky one after another, feeling uneasy.

Before the other mountain wall, the six sect examiners were all surprised by appointment.

"That kind of shock just now..." Zhu Ying looked moved.

That kind of feeling, it seems to be transmitted from the depths of the barrier, and several people have this feeling at the same time.

"Could it be that within the barrier, what other world exists?" The old woman of Bai Yugu frowned.

Mi Qingyu frowned and said, "If it really exists, it wouldn't be surprising. This fragmented world space was discovered by Chen Nan, the master of Xiaoyaomen who opened the mountain a thousand years ago. Then he took it out and let the seven sects jointly develop and repair it. This kind of assessment enchantment."

"Does Chen Nan tell us the secrets of the six sects?" Elder Xuan Jiange sneered.

Zhu Ying shook her head and said: "I don't think so. Xiaoyaomen has always been an authentic sect. It has always been the successor to the power of the sect world, especially Chen Nan, who was heard to be a person or a strength, and was respected by the six sect masters at the time. ."

Huanyuezong was biased towards the Xiaoyao Sect. When I said that, Mi Qingyu was a little unhappy. He snorted coldly, "Don’t talk so full, don’t you know if you know people, know your faces, don’t you know? Even if you do, you don’t know. , Only they know about it."

"Okay, don't worry about so many. The most important thing for the hidden enemy now is to cultivate talented children. If the others do not affect the whole, they will not get in the way. And now the Xiaoyaomen cannot protect themselves." Fengshimen elder Shen Said the voice.

Back under the cliff.

At this time, Xiao Yu was a little disheveled, and looked a little embarrassed, panting, and the Asura **** pattern disappeared. Obviously, he didn't suffer much injury.

That's because the little girl kept her hands!

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