Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2141: The Source of Spiritual Root (Part 2)

It turns out that, in simple terms, Linggen is a kind of talent. This kind of talent can naturally help cultivation and develop potential.

The spiritual roots are the same as the gods, they can also help cultivation, but the gods are more inclined to be a kind of power, and the increased talent can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

But the spiritual root is different. The awakening of the spiritual root is not only more difficult than the **** pattern, it is even harder to appear on one plane.

The emergence of Linggen must be accompanied by the birth of a stunning talent.

Maybe it takes a month for others to break through the realm, with the gift of soul, maybe it can be completed in a few days.

It was also the first time Xiao Yu heard about this spirit root. He had hardly heard of it before, just because he couldn't meet it at all, Dahuang naturally hadn't told him such a thing.

And now, when he heard about Linggen, Xiao Yu certainly felt a kind of curiosity.

In fact, what Xiao Yu didn't know was that when he had really come into contact with Linggen, he would know how powerful this kind of talent could be.

It's just that, because it's not a universal thing, and it hasn't been touched before, it gives him this relatively flat feeling.

Xiao Yu asked, "This spiritual root was stolen by this Nan Ouhong, which caused Senior to regress now physically, right?"

The little girl said solemnly: "Spiritual root is an innate talent. A little awakening is only connected with life. My spiritual root was stolen by that animal. Maybe it is the reason why my body regressed."

Xiao Yu quickly asked, "Is there a way?"

"No," the little girl shook her head, and said solemnly: "The loss of my spiritual roots will make my life run away. I can't remember what I was like."

From Xiao Yu's point of view, the little girl of course can't remember clearly, because the little girl came out of the Nan Ouhong who loves and hates, and has forgotten everything else, how could she remember her own things?

And this made Xiao Yu think of one thing, and this thing made Xiao Yu a little worried.

A year ago, the little girl was still seven or eight years old. A year later, she has reached such a state. Then another year, maybe half a year, maybe half a year will not be there. Isn't this little girl going back to basics?

"No, I have to find a way." Xiao Yu groaned.

The little girl glanced at Xiao Yu and said faintly: "Boy, don't worry about it, you can't find a way. I feel that within half a year, I will return to the dust in the void. Unless it can be swallowed by me. Only by taking a sixth-rank life spirit pill can I recover my body."

"Sixth-Rank Life Pill?" Xiao Yu's heart moved.

The little girl didn't seem to care about her own life and death at all, and said: "The sixth-grade spirit pill is hard to refine, let alone the spirit pill that can live to the death of a bone? It’s been recorded in his spiritual pill, and it has never been refined."

Xiao Yu pondered, not knowing what he was thinking, and his eyes seemed to fluctuate strangely.

"Boy, I think you are my freelancer. If you have a chance, you must kill this Nan Ouhong for me!"

As soon as the little girl's voice changed, it immediately became a kind of coldness, and that kind of murderous intent.

However, Xiao Yu was no stranger to the way this woman changed her face.

"This sentence, you told me last year."

Of course Xiao Yu didn't say it, but sighed helplessly in his heart.

This amnesia is simply too serious, but Xiao Yu shook his mind. At least, he knew that the little girl was from Xiaoyaomen, and he also hated Nan Ouhong. Now the problem is not 100% sure, but basically in his heart There is already an answer.

The key now is to understand what the period is, but before that, the little girl's body needs to be restored.

Only when the body is restored can the memory be restored.

But now there is a problem. The seven sect assessment barriers need to be opened once a year. If he returns from this trip, he may have to wait until the next year, and the next year, at the rate of decline this year, little girl It may have disappeared long ago!

"Boy, what are you thinking?"

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