Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2144: Another year of assessment

An exclamation erupted from the crowd.

At the beginning, they thought that what Wu Zhen said was false, because later Wu Zhen said something if you don't believe it, you can try it.

Now that there is no stone platform, how can I try?

"It seems to have heard that the stone platform at Xiaoyaomen was taken by the kid last year?" One of them said something.

"A fellow of my clan, a brother in a second-rate sect seems to have said this too. It seems that the sects this year are all very lively, and it was this person who made trouble."

"I have also heard that our dynasty is relatively close to the Seven Sects. Recently, I have heard that the person's name is Xiao Yu, right?"

Only a small number of people discuss this. Maybe they don't know much about Xiao Yu, and maybe their understatement of the discussion is not enough to show their understanding of the name.

After all, they are never the disciples of a certain sect in the sect world, they are just some talented children of the secular world and longing for a powerful cultivation holy land.

At this time, the person involved was already in the crowd.

Xiao Yu didn't care at all about his own legends.

In Xiao Yu's view, no matter how strong he is, no matter how talented he is, it is only relative, and he is not proud of it.

Because in places that many ordinary people can't reach and know, killing is brewing all the time.

This scourge and crisis are enough to wash away all unrealistic titles.

One year's time was enough for Xiao Yu's character to become sufficiently sophisticated and calm.

Seeing so many longing expressions, even the attitude of not fearing death, Xiao Yu saw his shadow in previous years.

However, he knew very well that before this, let's not say whether you can climb the stone platform, because the danger of this distance is not something ordinary people can resist.

Those who are still in love with Six Sects snorted coldly.

"In fact, it doesn’t matter if the stone platform of Xiaoyaomen appears or not. I heard that the stone platform of Xiaoyaomen appears for a second or two, and even the jade slips don’t have time to smash them. They are just being crushed into slags by oppression. Who dares to go out? ?"

"That is. Last year, that kid was lucky enough to be taken by him. He seemed to say that he was the first person to pass the assessment in the past two decades. Even the three guys from the three secular families are not as good as him ."

"Hey, in my opinion, this must be an internal decision. Xiaoyaomen haven't entered from the appraisal disciples in the past 20 years. They must have made an appointment secretly, otherwise it will be difficult to face."

"That's it."

These disciples were open-minded and speculative, and were not optimistic about Xiaoyao Sect at all.

In their view, accidental events are not enough to explain anything, only continuous events can demonstrate the power of a sect.

It is like the six gates, standing for so many years without falling down, in their opinion, is it comparable to the Xiaoyao gate?

Xiao Yu in the crowd shook his head and smiled, but there was no rebuttal.

For a thousand-year sect, it only takes 20 to 30 years to decline, but these 20 to 30 years are enough to make everyone forget the power of this sect.

This is the cruelty of Nine Heavens World, you never know what will happen next moment.

Soon, someone started to move around.

But they are not stupid. They all know that the distance of hundreds of meters from the plain to the stone platform is a powerful formation with some powerful lethality, which is enough to kill people.

"I can not wait anymore!"

Sure enough, someone finally couldn't wait, and immediately rushed up...

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