Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2146: If you want to go far, choose the strongest

Ye Xuan naturally noticed the arrival of Xiao Yu, but there was only one thing in his eyes. Why did the stone platform of Xiaoyaomen disappear? Why did Xiaoyaomen withdraw from the assessment of Qizongmen? Was it a wasted visit?

He was unwilling, unwilling to wait another year.

And he doesn't even know what will happen next year, and he is even more uncertain whether Xiaoyaomen will continue to be absent from the assessment next year.

Now, hearing this question from the person next to him, if he were to follow the past, he would naturally look down on him who was aloof.

It's not that kind of arrogant, but his cultivation talent has become so powerful that it can be ignored.

Because of this year's appraisal children, only Zhang Binxu could get his eyes and argue with him. For the others, he didn't even have the idea of ​​fighting.

However, when the person next to him was speaking, Ye Xuan couldn't help but frown and glanced over.

That was a young man who looked slightly older than himself, and Ye Xuan's calm and quiet posture made Ye Xuan feel a touch.

The most important thing is that there is no breath fluctuation in this person?

When this happens, either he has a certain secret technique to cover up his breath, or his strength is stronger than him, so he can't detect it.

But after giving Xiao Yu a second glance, he withdrew his eyes.

In his cognition, especially this session, the secular world can match him, almost nothing.

This is not pride, it is a kind of pride originating from the Ye family.

And Ye Xuan is the super genius of the Ye Family that has risen over the centuries.

Someone from the Ye family once entered the seven sects. Of course, that was also a long time ago. I am afraid that not many people will forget it.

In his opinion, this person may not be weak, but at best he only possesses some kind of strange ability.

After all, he knew that even in the secular world, there would still be many different families with certain special abilities.

Just like their Ye family, there are so-called Tong family, Xi family, etc.

"You are someone who has been selected by other sects, and you will spend the time here." Ye Xuan said lightly.

Xiao Yu was startled, then smiled immediately.

Ye Xuan regarded Xiao Yu as someone who came to lure him into other sects.

However, he did not explain, but asked: "On your terms, the Clear Sky School and the Magic Moon School are both good choices. I feel the breath of the **** pattern on your body. If it is the sword **** pattern, Xuanjian Pavilion is also a good choice. If you love the attributes of heaven and earth, the windshield door is also fine."

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed with a kind of light, and said: "I want to choose, I must choose the strongest Xiaoyaomen."

"Oh? The Xiaoyao Sect has fallen, and there is a shortage of cultivation resources. Other sects are eyeing you, and the disciples of the sect will be targeted when performing tasks outside, and there may even be murder. You have to choose?" Xiao Yu suddenly became interested.

Ye Xuan shook his head and said: "This is nothing. The strong should have a heart that is not afraid of life and death. I will either choose not to choose or choose the strongest. Although the Xiaoyao Gate has fallen, its foundation still exists, and there is a sect. The world’s number one cultivation technique, this is a challenge and an opportunity for me. If I choose Clear Sky School or Magic Moon School, I will be treated kindly by them, but I even leap over the Dragon Gate and fly. Soaring to the sky, but with too few challenges and smooth sailing, it will inevitably bury hidden dangers for the future. My goal is not this plane, but the big world."

When Xiao Yu heard this, he was also infected.

Firstly, it was because Ye Xuan knew so many things in the sect world.

Because ordinary people, before going to the sect, they hardly know that this plane is called the sect world.

And he also knows the higher planes, it is conceivable that this Ye family must have been a big family before.

Another is that Ye Xuan's fighting spirit and goal are simply the most powerful that Xiao Yu has ever seen.

An inexplicable thought suddenly occurred in his heart...

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