Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2162: Borrow the power of the stone platform (part 1)

Xiao Yu naturally felt a little surprised at the arrival of Mi Qingyu of the Haotian School, but after the surprise, his heart became calm.

In this space world that is assessed, there is a certain ability to recognize realm, cultivation base, age, or seven sects, but there are some people who are excluded, that is, such as the supervisor of Mi Qingyu's current soul form.

Xiao Yu knew that somewhere in this assessment world, people from the Seven Sects were monitoring everything here.

And this year, at the Xiaoyao Sect where Xiao Yu was at, it was indeed because of the heavy losses of the replacement meeting, and the disciples of the disciples did not have more energy to pay attention to this seven sect assessment meeting.

In addition, Wen Zhan, Jiang Yuan, and Han Yi are either busy instructing the disciples to rebuild the sect, or worry about the cultivation of the disciples, or preparing for the trial meeting of the seven sects, or healing the injured disciples. .

As for Xiaoyaomen, there were originally only three elders left. If you really count the elders of the Zongwutang in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda world, there are only four at most.

As for Mi Qingyu's arrival, Xiao Yu was not surprised at all.

After he knew that Zhang Bin had been hired by Mi Qingyu, Xiao Yu was basically mentally prepared.

The reason why he was so calm and knew that Mi Qingyu could not kill him was not because he looked down on Mi Qingyu's cultivation base, after all, he really didn't know the geometry of Mi Qingyu's cultivation base.

The only thing he can know is that it is impossible for Mi Qingyu's real body to come here.

Since it is impossible for the real body to come here, only relying on the soul consciousness, then it is impossible to have too strong attack power at all.

What's more, with Xiao Yu's cultivation base at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he could defend even the fourth-tier offensive of the Good Fortune Realm.

In his opinion, the first humanistic warfare under the Seven Sect Masters is already the cultivation base of the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune Realm. This is from the elder of the Clear Sky School, and it seems that it should be highly respected, but the cultivation base is definitely not as strong as the cultural warfare.

Adding to the situation where the soul consciousness appeared here, then it would definitely not be very strong.

"Do you really think I'm just a state of consciousness, and coming here can't kill you? If you think so, then you are wrong!"

Mi Qingyu lived a lifetime, of course knowing what Xiao Yu was imagining.

Just as Xiao Yu thought, his true body was actually in the Clear Sky School. It was only through a certain secret method of soul connection that his consciousness broke through the spatial distance, and then reached here in the evaluation world of Changling Town. .

But because of this, Mi Qingyu couldn't help Xiao Yu?

the answer is negative.

Even if Xiao Yu killed Zhang Binxu and others and caused them to lose so many children in the Haotianzong, Xiao Yu's attitude of insignificance was enough to cause Mi Qingyu's murderous intent.

At this moment, Mi Qingyu shook the void, and for a while, the stone platform evaluated by the Haotian School suddenly flickered, and then a burst of energy went straight through the sky.


That energy, as if the water of the East China Sea was sucked by the sky, a waterspout swept up, absorbing the heaven and earth spiritual power of the whole world.


The gale rushes for thousands of meters.

That energy tornado, with Mi Qingyu in the center, flashed countless aura fluctuations, causing the entire area of ​​assessment to oscillate.

"Ok... terrible energy fluctuations." Ye Xuan and the others turned pale.

This kind of energy breath had already surpassed their cognition, and it was even more terrifying than what Xiao Yu had shown just now.

Xiao Yu was very interested. He raised his brows lightly, and said, "That's how it turns out, with the help of the strength of the assessment aura left by your ancestor Sect Master of the Clear Sky School, to suppress me, right?"


After a while, the audience changed their colors again and couldn't help but look at the energy tornado.


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