Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2169: Take out the Tibetan Road Platform

Ye Xuan watched Xiao Yu walk towards him. This time, his mood was not as high and proud as before.

What he has now is just a shock, a blush, and even a shame.

Of course, these complex emotions are followed by fiery and excitement.

In his opinion, Xiao Yu is indeed strong, and it is precisely because of this that he can regard Xiao Yu as his goal.

And he believed that a year ago, this person could reach this point by relying on the Void Pill Realm, and he would definitely be able to.

It's just that he didn't expect that Xiao Yu actually asked him this sentence.

It is true that Xiao Yu shocked Ye Xuan too much, but this did not mean that Ye Xuan was about to bow his head and was afraid of death.

And he believed that Xiao Yu definitely didn't want to kill him, because if he wanted to kill him, he would not wait until this time.

Smart as Ye Xuan asked: "Do you have a way?"

For this assessment meeting, Ye Xuan inquired a lot of things, especially the legend about this person last year.

Is there any way he can let me enter the assessment?

Immediately he shook his head. No matter how strong the opponent is, it is a teenager after all. What can a teenager do?

"If you want to take me directly to the Xiaoyaomen, then I advise you to avoid this idea. I will not enter the Xiaoyaomen without an assessment. I want to prove that I am truly qualified to be the Xiaoyaomen. True disciple."

Ye Xuan said heavily, staring at Xiao Yu with piercing eyes, showing an indomitable attitude.

Xiao Yu admired that Ye Xuan was not only smart, but the characteristics of being neither humble nor overbearing, confident, brave, and persistent, were indeed not something ordinary people could have.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu was even more sure of the thoughts in his mind.

Then he flipped his hand, and then a stone platform appeared. With a move of his hand, the stone platform flew to the middle of the six stone platforms.

As soon as the stone platform returned to its place, a burst of energy shrouded the sky, and the sky was full of clouds, like a fairyland.

Not only Ye Xuan, but even all the remaining children present, their eyes lit up.

"Xiaoyaomen's assessment stone platform!"

"He actually got it?"

Ye Xuan's eyes were full of fiery color, but full of doubts, he looked at Xiao Yu.

"If you are not afraid of death, you can try it." Xiao Yu just said without talking nonsense.

Yes, the idea in his mind was to take out the Tibetan Taoist platform and give Ye Xuan an assessment.

He knew very well in his heart that people like Ye Xuan would not hit the south wall and would not look back.

Once you have obsessions and goals in your heart, you won't be shaken even if it's wind and rain.

It was precisely because of Ye Xuan's disposition that he planned to bring out the Tibetan Taoist platform.

"Why is the stone platform for the assessment on you?" Ye Xuan asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. I will only take it out for your assessment temporarily. Afterwards, whether you die or live, I will take it back. Of course, I am not taking it for myself. When the time is right, I don't need this stone platform. , I will return it here." Xiao Yu said.

The Tibetan Taoist platform is of great help to him in the cultivation of the Xiaoyao Fu, and the Tibetan Taoist platform must cooperate with the Xiaoyao Fu to be able to exert its maximum effect and ability.

In addition, Xiaoyao Fu is the Shura Art, the springboard of Shura's bloodline, Xiao Yu naturally cannot be infatuated.

After all, Tibetan Daotai does not belong to him alone, but belongs to the entire Xiaoyao Sect.

"it is good!"

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