Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2172: Please Wu Zhen

The Seven Sect Assessment Conference was over, and this time, with the help of Xiao Yu, Xiaoyao Sect had harvested several talented children with extraordinary talents, and the strongest of them was naturally the enchanting Ye Xuan.

If as usual, someone from the Zongmen came to pick him up, and last year Xiao Yu was taken back by Yin Bai.

But because Xiaoyaomen didn't participate in the assessment today, if it weren't for Xiao Yu's appearance, I'm afraid that even Ye Xuan and the others would not have received it.

However, Xiao Yu asked someone to **** Ye Xuan and the others back, because he knew very well that even though he passed the Shitai examination of Xiaoyaomen last year, he had surprised countless people in the barrier.

Even the supervising elder of the Clear Sky School at the time was even provoked, which caused Cui Yuan to move the killing mind.

But in any case, Xiao Yu at the time was at best a virtual pill realm, and he simply couldn't put it on the table.

Therefore, they did not do anything secretly.

Think about it this year, Mi Qingyu had already found good people in advance, and strictly supervised Ye Xuan to prevent Ye Xuan from investing in other sects and letting them lose a super genius.

And now, even though Mi Qingyu's plan has failed, it is not difficult to guarantee that there will be no other people from other sects to do this kind of killing.

Maybe Xiao Yu had experienced too much, maybe Xiao Yu was worried, but in any case, he had to be careful and keep an eye on it.

The seven sects are fighting fiercely, and their strength is getting weaker and weaker in this situation where you fight and we fight.

It is not enough to fight the arrival of the Black Cliff Sect. It is still in this situation, isn't it burning oil on the fire?

And the person Xiao Yu entrusted was no one, but Wu Zhen astonishingly.

"Senior Wu, please take care of you along the way." Xiao Yu said to Wu Zhen.

Although Wu Zhen was a casual cultivator, Xiao Yu knew that Wu Zhen was ordered by the seven sects and even by the guards of the plane.

In that case, who would dare to touch Wu Zhen?

Wu Zhen took a deep breath and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more, and said, "Why do you think I will help you?"

"Because you and I both know that the sect world is about to come. If you lose a point, it is dangerous here." Xiao Yu said concisely and pointedly.

Wu Zhen sighed and said, "You are right. Recently, I also talked about these things with the guardians of the plane."

Immediately he looked at Xiao Yu and solemnly said: "Xiao Yu, I know that you are not from this plane, and this place does not belong to you. I also know that your goal is to a higher and farther place, so you I am afraid that not many people can understand the responsibilities that I have on my shoulders. I have lived for decades and never thought that that day would come so soon. I know that you have an extraordinary life experience. So, if you have the ability, I hope you will do something. Protect this plane."

"I know I am selfish to say this, but if this state continues, the sect world is bound to perish."

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "Senior Wu, even if you don't say it, I know how to do it. This is my first home. With my friends and relatives, I will let the people of the Black Cliff Sect wreak havoc here. of."

Then, after Xiao Yu and Wu Zhen exchanged a few words, they set off from Changling Town and set off for Baiyao Valley.

The assessment was that the incident was over, and he thought about the answer in Xiao Yu's mind.

And he wasn't ready to tell Wen Zhan to them, he was ready to wait for the time to come and talk to them.

And now, he has more important things to do.


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