Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2178: Great fortune!

The realm of good fortune means the disaster of good fortune, through the nine-fold tempering of the flesh, it reaches the point of recreating the flesh.

The realm of good fortune is the last realm of the sect world, and it is also a threshold that limits the strong.

This threshold is actually very simple to say, it is to temper the mortal body, and then reach the point where it can adapt to the "other worlds".

Yes, this kind of plane world is naturally a higher plane, called the seventy-two great heaven world.

Higher planes and lower planes will cause different degrees of oppression on the human body due to the influence of the laws of the plane.

And the lower planes, the main reason they are called the lower planes, is that their physical strength is far from enough, and they are only suitable for survival in the lower planes.

And the human body is the carrier of power. Without a body, it is simply not enough to move on to a higher level of power, and it is impossible to drive a powerful force.

The realm of good fortune is to use the nine-fold ladder as a springboard, as the shackles for the physical body to break through here, and thus to develop in the direction of a higher level.

Fundamentally speaking, the realm of good fortune is to recreate the physical body, by absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth, to temper every bone, flesh and blood, and even any hair of the body.

On the surface, there is no difference between the good fortune realm and the three-day realm. They both directly operate the exercises to stimulate the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth and use their power. This is their commonality.

Therefore, the realm of good fortune may not be regarded as a realm. More precisely, it is a process, but this process is divided into nine levels.

Look at the four realms of foundation building to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, refining, and turn into a sea of ​​qi, and even golden core, to store spiritual power.

But in the three-day realm, the golden core was broken and grouped into various parts of the body. From a certain perspective, it was a return to the original.

Going to the realm of good fortune is a process to a certain extent, but this process is to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to temper the physical body. It can be said that from a certain angle, it is back to the state of building the four realms of foundation.

Of course, although the nine steps of the good fortune realm are a process, it is like walking a staircase. The more you go up, the higher you will naturally see, the stronger the strength, the oppression and the aura will be further enhanced.

This is the realm of good fortune.

However, as just said, the Good Fortune Realm is actually more like a process, so it will not be much different from the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Yu can span three or even four levels at most in other realms, but it can span five levels from Heavenly Spirit Realm to Good Fortune Realm.

At this time, Xiao Yu's heart was inward and inward, and of course he was happy, but he was not too excited, because for Xiao Yu, good luck was nothing but a matter of time.

The most important thing is that in Xiao Yu's eyes, the realm of good fortune is not a big realm at all, because he has also understood it before.

Moreover, he had already had no contact with the strong in the good fortune realm a long time ago.

In addition, the first level of good fortune is not his only goal for this retreat.

His goal, at least, is to reach the point where he is satisfied.

What is satisfaction? Even if it cannot reach the level of literary warfare, it must at least be close.

If his crazy idea were heard by countless people outside, he would definitely vomit blood and die.

It is true that the nine steps in the realm of good fortune are a process, but this process is no less than breaking through the four realms of foundation building to the realm of three days, and no less than breaking through the realm of good fortune from three days.

This level of difficulty is not something ordinary people can imagine.

It was only because Xiao Yu's talent was too abnormal, and at this moment there was still this kind of spirit wood core energy to help.

"Well, it's time to absorb."

Xiao Yu opened his eyes, flipped his hand, and the red spirit pill just appeared.

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