Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2191: Zhao Xin's Ignorance

The feeling of covering the sky and the sun immediately made Xiaoyaomen and other disciples feel a kind of pressure.

There are eight big birds, and each big bird has dozens of people on its back. There are eight big birds and a team of 500 people.

With such a team, in the world of sects at this time, there are two sects, one is Clear Sky Sect and the other is Magic Moon Sect.

Looking at the costumes of these disciples on the back of these big birds, they were truly members of the Magic Moon Sect.

However, if you look closely, in front of the eight big birds, there are two figures flying with swords.

The look of a person is an old man, the bones of a fairy style, and a wise feeling.

The other is a woman, with an outstanding posture and an amazing temperament. With her clothes fluttering, she shows a graceful posture.

This person is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, with long hair dancing and a cold face, that attitude is incompatible with the personality of the world.

Whether it was all the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect, or the sect who was riding a flying monster in the distance, San Xiu, there was an astonishing color in his eyes.

"This is the first genius of the Magic Moon Sect, Zhao Xin, who has been designated as the next Sect Master!"

"Yes! It is rumored that she and Jiang Tianyu are called Sun-Moon Double Stars, and it is said that they have reached the sixth level of Good Fortune Realm."

"It's terrifying! At this age, we can reach this level of cultivation, and we don't know how many years it will take to reach this level."

These Xiaoyaomen disciples all said in amazement.

And among them, some have thought about it, maybe not much can be achieved, maybe it will be difficult to reach that height for a lifetime.

Soon they couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged and indifferent.

Speaking of which, after Xiao Yu returned to the sect, the whole person was much quieter.

Although they didn't know Xiao Yu's strength at this time, they always felt that Xiao Yu seemed a little different, but they didn't seem to be able to discover the different things.

But at least, the change in Xiao Yu's appearance at that time surprised them.

The face was like a crown jade, the eyes were like bright stars, and the whole body exuded that kind of comfortable and soft aura. If it weren't because Xiao Yu's silhouette was still there, they really thought this was another person.

"Elder Han."

Gushe Yujian came to a halt next to Big Bird, and said hello to Han Yi.

"Elder Gu."

Han Yi nodded politely, but he still couldn't help but look at Zhao Xin, who didn't even move his eyes.

Zhao Xin is so good, even standing not far away, he still feels the introverted and deep breath of Zhao Xin.

He immediately thought of Xiao Yu, who had returned from the Hundred Medicine Valley retreat.

He could see some changes in Xiao Yu's body, and even the aura of Xiao Yu, in his opinion, must be the cultivation level of good fortune realm.

But Han Yi had another feeling that he couldn't see Xiao Yu, you know, he is the fifth level of good fortune!

Xiao Yu returned from Hundred Medicine Valley without saying anything, but his appearance had undergone a lot of changes, and then his whole body became more restrained and quiet.

Gu She glanced at the dozens of disciples in the Xiaoyao Gate, and immediately his eyes fell on the figure sitting cross-legged.

Sure enough, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, not only the change in Xiao Yu's appearance, but also the temperament on his body, as if he had changed.

As for Zhao Xin, her unmoved eyes also seemed to glance at Xiao Yu slightly.

In the depths of the eyes, except for a ripple, then there is a kind of indifference.

Xiao Yu had already told her very clearly last time, and she didn't have to worry about Xiao Yu anymore.

Moreover, she was determined to win the Seven Sect Trial Conference this time. If Xiao Yu blocked her, she wouldn't mind making a move.

However, some changes in Xiao Yu's appearance made her a little surprised.

In her opinion, she was already comparable to the top powerhouse, and Xiao Yu, no matter how talented and powerful she was, it was impossible for Xiao Yu to reach the level of successor to her own suzerain, because she could accept the inheritance!

Gu She greeted Han Yi, and led Huan Yuezong to leave.

Ten times the number of Xiaoyaomen, the mighty crowd, and the status of the head of the seven sects of the past are simply different.

After Zhao Xin had gone away, Xiao Yu finally opened his eyes, and a calm expression filled his eyes.

Seeing the figure walking away, Xiao Yu said leisurely in his heart: "Unexpectedly, you are still so prejudiced against me."

Perhaps because of the awakening of the spirit body, Xiao Yu's Taoist heart became much more stable, and he seemed to be indifferent to some things.

Maybe Zhao Xin would put some pressure on him before, but not necessarily anymore.

And at this moment, another breath that seemed to cover the sky and the sun came over.

The disciple of Xiaoyaomen saw that his face changed slightly-

"Clear Sky School!"

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