Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2209: Genius

The disciples on the side of the Clear Sky School felt unbelievable one after another, and even the look of expectation was like being beaten into **** at once.

That genius who is known as the sect world, standing at the top, actually tied with Xiao Yu! ?

That, in their view, is like a dazzling star!

"Brother Jiang's cultivation is at least the fifth level of good fortune, and it may even reach the sixth level, but..."

The disciples of the Clear Sky School couldn't continue.

The fifth level of the good fortune realm, and even the sixth level, that is already standing on the top of the sect world!

Who could imagine that Xiao Yu could stand up against Jiang Tianyu to such a degree?

Moreover, Xiao Yu didn't panic at all when facing Jiang Tianyu's attitude, but seemed very calm, which made people feel even more incredible.

A little over a year ago, the kid who had been assessed from the seven sect sects, and then he has become the ranks of the world's first-class geniuses and first-rate powerhouses.

This makes countless people beyond reach, and makes countless people feel like a fantasy.

They thought at first that Xiao Yu had a great talent, and even made a lot of noise everywhere, turning most of the sect world over.

But at best, Xiao Yu's life in the sect world is limited. After more than a year, no matter how strong he grows, how can he reach the height that others can reach in a few years, or even more than ten years, decades?

But they were wrong. The sight before them was telling them that Xiao Yu was really capable of being as famous as Jiang Tianyu!

Instead of a little anger or killing intent on Jiang Tianyu's face, on the contrary, it was an astonishing fighting intent, exalted to an extremely powerful state.

"I didn't expect you to be able to block my impeccable power." Jiang Tianyu stared at Xiao Yu in the distance and said.

Xiao Yu responded indifferently: "Neither did I expect that the first genius of the dignified Clear Sky School would have such a cultivation level."

Is this kind of cultivation base?

Brother Haotianzong's disciples were all glaring at him, his face flushed with anger.

Obviously this is looking down on Jiang Tianyu!

"What is this kid? Does he really think he can be compared to Senior Brother Jiang? Senior Brother Jiang's innocuous power can only spur one-third of the momentum."

"Yes! And this kid seems relaxed, but in fact he has already used the supernatural power of Xiaoyaomen, do you really think it is a complete tie?"

Some of the inner disciples of the Clear Sky School all looked very angry.

Do you really think that with one move, you can completely catch up with Brother Jiang?

That is naturally impossible!

A discerning person knows at a glance that on the surface, Xiao Yu does have the strength to compete with Jiang Tianyu, but that kind of arbitrary and relaxed posture, it is obvious that Jiang Tianyu is going to have the upper hand.

Although the disciples of Xiaoyao were used to Xiao Yu's arrogance, and Han Yi was very pleased to see that Xiao Yu could use Xiaoyao fists at this age.

But if Jiang Tianyu is angered because of this, and Jiang Tianyu is fully urged, then it will definitely be impossible to fight.

Although he has confidence in Xiao Yu, it is definitely not a wise way to fight to the death and death in this situation.

Who knows, Jiang Tianyu chuckled, and even brought back all his breath.

"Xiao Yu, I really hope that you will be well at the last moment. You are qualified to be my opponent. I am waiting to defeat you."

After all, Jiang Tianyu just returned to the Haotianzong camp.

All the disciples of the Clear Sky School, although they were a bit strange at first, they quickly recovered their indifference.

The Seven Sect Trial Conference is today's theme and the top priority. It is absolutely impossible to be affected by these five years of experience.

As for those grievances, if you want to resolve them, it is possible to resolve them at the Trial Conference.

And they naturally have full confidence in Jiang Tianyu.

Because you know, Jiang Tianyu has even more powerful and terrifying assassins!

Cui Yuan looked at Xiao Yu's eyes, and there was a glimmer of light, but it was also a flash, urging the big bird away.

Han Yi also flew over, and Xiao Yu put away the Tibetan Taoist platform and returned to Big Bird's back.

"Elder Han, let's go too."

Han Yi took a deep breath. He knew the future was dangerous, but in any case, he could not shrink back.

Soon, the people around also dispersed one after another, but they were all shocked by this scene.

The Seven Trials Conference did not begin, but the demeanor of the two great geniuses was already so amazing.

But Jiang Tianyu finally resisted the impulse and murderous intention, and chose to postpone the fight.

Is this the spirit of super genius?

And the people in Baiyu Valley in the distance, especially Su Qingrou, the style in their eyes became even more charming.

"I didn't expect Xiao Yu to fight Jiang Tianyu!"

"Yeah, it's really unexpected. But this is fine, doesn't this prove that Senior Sister Su's choice is correct?"

The female disciples of Bai Yugu marveled at Xiao Yu's talent, but began to laugh again.

Geng Feng glanced at Su Qingrou and said solemnly, "Qingrou, the trial meeting is a good time for you at this moment, don't delay."

"Master, I know. I will take care of it." Su Qingrou nodded.

But the way she nodded and lowered her eyebrows seemed to be attracted by that figure.

Geng Feng shook his head and waved his hand, also leading the Baiyu Valley towards Yunpeng Island. "


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