Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2241: Slap to destroy

Obviously, these disciples of the Magic Moon Sect did not expect that Xiao Yu would completely ignore them, which made them another three points jealous of Xiao Yu.

But in any case, their positions were different, they couldn't let Xiao Yu move forward, especially in the face of chance.

Xiao Yu didn't pay attention to it at all, and went forward on his own way.

At this time, a young man stepped forward and said solemnly from a place ten meters away from Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, you still don't want to go this way, otherwise we will be welcome."

This person is the strongest among these twenty people, and his cultivation level has reached the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

The overall strength of Huan Yuezong disciples is naturally much stronger than those of Windshield Sect and Xuanjian Pavilion.

It's like Feng Liang, whom he met before, who is also a true disciple of Feng Shao Sect, but Feng Liang is not at the Great Perfection in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

And the disciple of this Huan Yuezong, it is very likely that several people in front of the inner door exist.

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "It's me, you're welcome, let me go."

"Xiao Yu, chances depend on people. We know that you are very strong, but if you forcefully violate the laws of heaven, are you not afraid of being abandoned by God?" the young man said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "The chance is indeed a matter of individual. Some people may never have a chance in their lives, but if you don't have the strength, no matter how great the chance is, you can't eat it. The second time I tell you, don't Stop me."

When he said the last few words, Xiao Yu's expression returned to his indifference.

Anyone who is familiar with Xiao Yu knows what his expression represents.

These twenty people gritted their teeth one after another, and Xiao Yu's imposing confrontation with Jiang Tianyu in the air had already been heard, and that was someone who could fight Jiang Tianyu!

If they really stop it, will they have a chance?

Among these twenty people, seven or eight are in the three-day realm, and there are even four in the heavenly spirit realm, and the others are in the golden core realm.

This kind of overall realm of strength, placed in any second-rate sect, is enough to be the upper reaches of the rank.

"Do it!"

But in the end, the young man shouted, and without hesitation, he rushed towards Xiao Yu. The other people shook their heads and smashed their teeth and immediately swarmed up.

In any case, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. If they miss a lifetime, they will have no chance!

Moreover, if they want to get a great opportunity, they need the help of the person inside, and with them, they must do their part anyway.

Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense anymore. He did it directly. He didn't activate any supernatural powers. It was just the eleventh-layer Fu power that urged it out like rushing to the sea.

The vast invisible power, like a strong wind rushing towards the face, was shaking out a piece of heaven and earth spiritual power between his wave of hands.

Twenty people each showed their magical powers, or mobilized their own magical weapons, or mobilized their strongest magical powers, all with a kind of killing aura, and they attacked and killed them without hesitation.

To be honest, the offensive of these twenty people, even if it is the first or second level of good fortune, must temporarily avoid the edge.

The realm of good fortune is a realm of tempering the body, to be exact, it should be a process.

Therefore, the young man at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm was actually not much different from the First Level of Good Fortune Realm.

Especially when twenty people all shot together, this kind of oppressive aura is really terrifying.

But the result?

Xiao Yu's slap came out, and the overwhelming aura blasted over.

For a time, the offensive of twenty people was enveloped.

"how is this possible?!"

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