Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2249: Moon Swordsmanship

Xiao Yu also fell down, putting away his flying supernatural powers, and there seemed to be an interest in his eyes.

Among the six major sects, he was the only one who hadn't fought against the Magic Moon Sect, and this time, he seemed to have a chance.

The two of them waved their swords one by one.

After a while, the two smooth blades suddenly took on a phantom and truthful attitude, which made Xiao Yu very curious when they saw it.

"Mingyue Songjian·Slash!"

What makes people feel strange is that Luo Yihong and Zhao Dongping yelled out at the same time for two years. Then, the two swords came towards Xiao Yu and killed them.

"Illusory Moon Sect's famous swordsmanship, Mingyue swordsmanship!"

For a moment, the onlookers exclaimed.

As a veteran sect, Huan Yuezong naturally has one of the best cultivation resources in the sect world, whether it is a weapon or who is in pain.

And this Mingyue sword technique is a kind of heavenly sword technique.

The two long swords turned into two cunning blades that looked like a bright moon, and they flew up towards Xiao Yu as if they crossed.

The light blade burst into the wind, and countless rays of light burst out, like two rounds of bright moon intertwined, strangling it.

Feeling the breath of heavenly swordsmanship, and the feeling of being surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, the group couldn't help but marvel, this is the magical power that the big sect should have!

Each of the seven sects has its own characteristics. At this time, the magical skills displayed by the disciples of the Magic Moon Sect also opened Xiao Yu a bit.

A good fortune realm triple, a good fortune realm quadruple, the strength of the two people together, any good fortune realm quadruple can be forced back.

It's just a pity that Xiao Yu is not the fourth level of Good Fortune Realm. The joint attack of the two men only caused him a little trouble, but it was far from hurting him.

Facing the two moon-wheel offensives full of cunning, Xiao Yu flipped his hand, still starting with the Seven Star Sword.

"The sky is the month!"

With a twist of Xiao Yu's wrist, a ray of sword light slashed across like Feihong.

A sword light seemed to be coming from the east, turning into a shining pike, which was cut right away.

The two moonlight-like sword auras were directly intertwined with the sword auras of Xiao Yu's Feihong, and they met with an astonishing light.

"It's Heaven Grade Sword Technique again!"

The crowd exclaimed again, but several people present showed a shock, a kind of divine light in their eyes.

"Tianyi Sword Technique! We saw it last time! This time, he used it more skillfully than last time!"

These people were standing on Xiao Yu's side to fight Xuanjian Pavilion.

They naturally recognized Xiao Yu just now, and they stood with these people because of their interests.

But they are always swordsmen. In terms of realm strength, they certainly admire and even look up at Xiao Yu who can obtain the world's number one swordsmanship in the sect.

That is the existence that Xuanjian Pavilion has been unable to comprehend for so many years!

Tianyi Swordsmanship! Zongmen's world's number one swordsmanship!

Luo Yihong and Zhao Dongping looked very moving. Although they were not entirely sword repairers, they also knew that the sword skills in Xiao Yu's hands were definitely not ordinary ones. They were the sword skills that countless generations of Xuanjian Pavilion and even the sovereign longed for. what!

"Keng Keng!"

In an instant, the fire was everywhere, and countless sword auras escaped in the collision. In the confrontation between the two sides, it turned into countless stars flying all over the sky on the spot.

What I have to say is that there are indeed two brushes in the Magic Moon Sect, which makes Xiao Yu a little admired.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly and said, "The Magic Moon Sect seems to be well-known, come again!"

Xiao Yu held the sword and killed him. For a while, Luo Yihong and Zhao Dongping were under increased pressure.

What a strong sword intent!

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