Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2253: Pretending not to know

Even if Zhao Xin sits so upright, that kind of leisurely and refined posture, like everyone's daughter, and like a fairy descending to the world, that posture, noble and elegant, there is a different kind of outstanding.

In fact, Zhao Xin didn't even know that the person who came in was Xiao Yu. She had the same feeling as Xiao Yu that the people outside were very strong, and they were probably the true geniuses of the Seven Sects she knew.

Unexpectedly, it was the one who made her move from enthusiasm, to ignorance, to high-looking, numbness.

However, Zhao Xin was so proud of his temperament, Zhao Xin hadn't seen Xiao Yu in the air when Huan Yuezong met Xiaoyao Sect in the air, even now, Zhao Xin still showed such a cold and arrogant posture.

Xiao Yu also ignored her. Similarly, Xiao Yu was proud in his heart.

Since the woman warned herself under her sect last time, Xiao Yu had no feelings for Zhao Xin.

To be more precise, Zhao Xin was warning Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu was holding back his anger.

In fact, both of them came from the same dynasty. It was only the initial vision and the different strengths that would happen.

Xiao Yu understood this, so he took a kind of anger in Zhao Xin.

Don't you look down on me? Don't you want to warn me? Who do you think you are?

Xiao Yu is now in the position of the world-class genius in the Zongmen, so he doesn't need to look at Zhao Xin's face.

He just sat quietly, himself because he was tracking Qiongqi here, and now the two of them had a sulking and ignoring element in it.

Of course, Xiao Yu would not take it for granted that Zhao Xin came here entirely for rest.

Xiao Yu was able to track Qiongqi in this temple, which proved that Zhao Xin could also explore the place.

Maybe for some reason, Zhao Xin was waiting here, and then Xiao Yu came again.

Yunpeng Island is the same as the Zongmen World. It is cloudy and sunny. I don't know if it is the scene or what. At this time, it was raining heavily outside.

The patters outside, getting bigger and bigger, the two of them were so quiet and silent, only the blazing bonfire.

Zhao Xin's face was already so cold, and her calm state of mind at this time seemed to be slightly touched.

Perhaps it was because of the outside environment, or perhaps Xiao Yu was not far from her, and there was an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

It feels like a couple, sulking because of something and ignoring each other.

But this couple is not a real lover, especially Zhao Xin stood in the dominant position, and Xiao Yu was caught up in the back. The self-esteem in her heart was hit, and she gave birth to a feeling that even her own I don’t know if it’s jealous.

Therefore, she is becoming more and more indifferent to Xi Xiao Yu, and more and more cold.

Zhao Xin, who has very strong self-esteem, would not express it. She wanted to take actual actions to prove that she was better than Xiao Yu before, and she is also now.

Even if Xiao Yu grew up to such a point, there was still a gap compared to her.

Thinking about it this way, her self-confidence came back, and her face became even more indifferent, and she even felt that she didn't need to be angry with the other party at all.

Her goal is lofty, if these little things affect her Dao Xin, Zhao Xin will not forgive herself.

And sensible, she would never allow herself to do this.

At this moment, a gloomy and hoarse voice came out——

"You two are so ridiculous, you know each other, but you pretend not to know each other."

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