Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2262: Mandarin ducks in the same bath

One day is equivalent to one month's spiritual power of heaven and earth!

This kind of cultivation speed was indeed a great opportunity, but Xiao Yu didn't seem to be satisfied yet.

Perhaps because of his requirements for a higher realm, or perhaps because of Xiao Yu's own life spirit, Xiao Yu was not as excited as Zhao Xin.

But speaking of it, this kind of spiritual spring is indeed hard to come by.

In any case, Xiao Yu, the life spirit body, only allowed a certain type of cultivation attribute to have a cultivation speed and cultivation effect that was twice the result with half the effort.

He also benefited a lot from the transformation of the innate spirit body, but in any case, the absorption of this kind of spiritual spring can once again further refine his body to a higher level.

From the low-level plane to the high-level plane, it was originally the nine-fold tempering of the physical body. Isn't this just right?

Xiao Yu also tried to absorb the energy from the spirit spring, and his whole body was half-suspended in the spirit spring, only his head was exposed.

As for Zhao Xin, every inch of skin on her body is shining from the mountainside, and even her hair is shimmering.

The snow-white neck like a swan, and the looming **, all descended like a fairy, intoxicated and enjoying.

But then, Zhao Xin's eyes drenched, as if something had been disturbed, opened her eyes, half-turned around and stared at Xiao Yu, and said coldly, "Retract the spiritual sense!"

She drank so coldly, adding a charming blush, charming.

Zhao Xin was born in the Chenbei dynasty. She was originally a princess, and her status was honorable. Even if she entered the sect, she was also the object of the sect's efforts to cultivate, and now she is the fairy in the hearts of all the younger generations.

But now, she and Xiao Yu are playing with the mandarin ducks in this spiritual spring, and it is weakly transmitted, which will definitely damage her virginity.

The key is that his body was seen by this person for the first time!

On the other hand, Xiao Yu seems to be personable and unrestrained, but in fact she is not a teacher at all. The spiritual sense has enveloped the entire pool from the time she was launched. If Zhao Xin hadn't been intoxicated in it at first, she was busy absorbing this energy. Just stay murderous.

Now she couldn't wait to step on Xiao Yu to step on the spring water.

She didn't know why. When facing Xiao Yu, she tried many times to persuade herself not to care. The other party could not stand in the same position as herself.

She even made a special trip to Xiao Yu to warn him, and even made up her mind that she would never have any other mood swings towards Xiao Yu.

But every time she meets, her kind of calm mind will still be touched, which makes her at a loss.

It seems that for so long, only Xiao Yu can calm her, and then her calm Dao heart will be disrupted.

And what she was thinking in her heart really didn't have any feelings for Xiao Yu!

But why does it still happen?

Is it self-deception?

Xiao Yu shook his head helplessly, and said, "You can't let me filter you out automatically. My spiritual sense covers this place, and you know that this is impossible."

Of course Zhao Xin knew that it was impossible to filter out herself automatically unless she left the pool.

"You can be honest with me, otherwise after going out, I will definitely let you go." Zhao Xin snorted coldly.

Xiao Yu simply didn't want to pay attention to this woman, just thinking about something for himself.

Qiongqi on the shore said, "Boy, the pool water here is the'spiritual rain' in the big world, combined with the essence of the sun and the moon, but my view does not have much effect on your marrow washing. "

Xiao Yu nodded undeniably.

Who knows, after thinking about it for a long while, he said: "There is a spring under the water. If you have the ability to take it out, then it is equivalent to adding a spiritual spring at any time. Even if it is placed in the sea, it can be created. A piece of spiritual spring. By then, your cultivation and recovery will achieve a multiplier effect."

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