Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2267: Immortal soul, immortal body

Zhao Xin couldn't get the spring eyes, and her body was seen, naturally there was no need to stay here.

Xiao Yu didn't care at all about Zhao Xin's words.

Zhao Xin's murderous intent towards herself had already emerged under Tan Quan.

And even if there is any so-called encounter with Zhao Xin again, even if it is a chance to meet again, Xiao Yu will do his best to capture it.

Qiongqi watched Zhao Xin leave and smiled faintly: "Boy, your woman has some personality!"

Xiao Yu closed his spring eyes, looked at Qiongqi, and said, "Actually, I don't know you well, and there is one more, she is not my woman."

Then, Xiao Yu stared at Qiongqi, staring into his eyes, and said, "In fact, why did you bring us here, or that you haven't told me the real purpose."

This question has always been entangled with Xiao Yu, but because of Tan Quan's problem just now, and the spring eye, Xiao Yu chose to forget it temporarily.

Qiongqi pondered for a while, and finally stopped hiding, saying: "I saw a certain bloodline power from you, so I want you to take me away."

Xiao Yu's face didn't have too many surprises, it was more of a relief.

In fact, Xiao Yu had already guessed a little.

As an ancient murderer, Qiongqi must be very unwilling to fall on a lower plane.

And Qiongqi had also said that if it could, it would have left here long ago, and Xiao Yu felt the desire of Qiongqi at that time.

After all, a dignified ancient fierce beast, its bloodline is constantly degenerating, and it is enough to kill it even in the good fortune realm behind, how can it not be embarrassing?

Therefore, the poor wizard brought Xiao Yu to this place, only because Zhao Xin was there.

Moreover, Quanyan might be an observation and test of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "I don't care what your purpose is, and I have nothing to do with you. If you think I owe you because of Quanyan, I'm sorry, I won't."

After Xiao Yu said that, he just turned around and left. Qiongqi was anxious, and immediately flew to Xiao Yu's.

"Why? Do you want to die again? The spring eye has already been taken by me. Do you still want to tell me that I can't kill you?" Xiao Yu was not afraid of being strange.

What Qiongqi said at the beginning, Xiao Yu couldn't kill it.

What Xiao Yu saw was that Qiongqi actually recovered so quickly with the help of Lingquan.

And Qiongqi only said that those mighty ones are indestructible in flesh. Even if Qiongqi is an ancient fierce beast, it hasn't reached that level. One more thing, now that the bloodline of Qiongqi is degraded, why does it talk about indestructible flesh? Can Xiao Yu kill it?

Qiongqi's eyes glowed with a look, and he proudly said: "You are wrong. I said at the beginning that you can't kill me, which means that since you killed my body, my'spiritual spirit' won't die."

"Spirit?" Xiao Yu frowned.

Qiong Qi raised his head and said: "You only need to know that the soul is a level that you cannot touch temporarily, and even the seventy-two great heaven planes cannot be touched by countless people, and I have reached this level. ."

What this said caught Xiao Yu's attention and asked, "What do you want to express?"

"I mean, my bloodline is suppressed only because of the power of the laws of the lower planes. But my spirit realm will not degenerate, it will always be at its peak. As long as my spirit is immortal, the flesh Don't die!"

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