Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2270: Dilute countless times the blood of Cultivation

Xiao Yu was not surprised, because Qiong Qi had also talked about the Black Cliff Sect and the others.

Qiongqi said disdainfully: "They have nothing to fear, but they are just descendants of a group of guys who practice evil ways."

Xiao Yu was really surprised this time. When the blood hoof appeared to him, when he saw the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect, he said that they were descendants of the black crows, and also said that the blood hoof back then He simply didn't look down on the so-called Black Crow, and he was not even qualified to be his attendant.

Does this ancient beast know that history? Or do you know the situation of the person named Black Crow?

Qiongqi continued with a sneer: "I know the breath of those guys, but they are just a bunch of descendants of demon cultivators. Unexpectedly, these descendants of so-called demon cultivators who have been diluted countless times, almost let you this piece The entire army of planes is wiped out."

"What do you mean by this?" A look of surprise flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes.

In the sect world, when Xiao Yu started, he picked up the wrong guys who practiced the power of the so-called corpse, and then went to Wuchen, and then he knew that these were the demons.

It's just that these are very ordinary people of the Black Cliff Sect, who flee to this plane, and then build up their own strength.

Then there was another type of demon cultivator, just like the few demon cultivators Xiao Yu encountered.

That kind of magic power is going to be much stronger, and it makes people more uneasy.

Of course, there is another one. This is a kind of madness, but this kind of madness is more of a cultivator who has lost a lot of reason. Although it is also called a cultivator, but to be more precise, these madness The cultivator has basically lost his humanity, and is more like a big murderer.

And Xiao Yu is not stupid, he can tell from Qiongqi's mouth, is it possible that the demonic cultivator that Qiongqi said was from a higher plane?

But Xiao Yu changed his mind, right! Why can't I think of it?

Both the Black Crow and the Bloodhoof are from the ancient continent, the ancient continent ten thousand years ago, isn't it one of the seventy-two great heavens?

Isn't that what the higher plane is?

In fact, the black crows in the mouth of the bloodhoof have always come from higher planes. It is only because the black crows are not worth mentioning in the mouth of the bloodhoof that Xiao Yu ignored the existence of the black crows.

What surprised Xiao Yu the most was that Qiongqi actually said that the so-called blood of those demon cultivators had been diluted countless times?

That being the case, then the black crow, the ancestor of the Black Cliff Sect, is not much stronger!

Because if the black crow was really strong, maybe it had already begun to invade other sects.

According to this statement, how terrifying is the true power of demonic cultivation?

You know, among the 36 small heaven planes, the strongest nature is also the nine layers of good fortune.

Looking back thousands of years ago, Chen Nan was the Ninth Level of Good Fortune Realm, and the overlord of the Black Cliff Sect was also very likely to be the 9th Level of Good Fortune Realm.

Just because if the Sect Master of the Black Cliff Sect is not the nine layers of good fortune realm, or if he breaks through, he has already reached a higher plane, how could he stay here and invade the world of the sect?

In other words, in the case of the same level, the power of cultivating demons is much stronger than the power of the so-called Fu, the so-called Sect Master of the Seven Sects and Open Mountains.

Otherwise, how could there be a legendary cultivator who can play against two or more cultivators of the same level!

And according to what Qiongqi said, it was diluted countless times!

"Huh! Boy, I just said you are too tender. There are many things. You are far better than you think."

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