Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2275: Taoist Realm

In Xiao Yu's impression, from the rhubarb's mouth, and from other legends, he knew exactly what kind of existence a mighty person was.

That is the super power of those who stand in the heavens and the earth, that is almost omnipotent, and can destroy the existence of a space plane by raising their hands.

In Xiao Yu's view, the mighty person is already standing at the top of time, but when Qiongqi speaks it, it seems that there is also a power in the world that the mighty person cannot control.

Qiongqi's eyes flickered, a kind of fascination, a kind of infinite respect, as if his posture had become very low and low at the moment, as low as the dust.

Xiao Yu asked, "Is there any existence in the Nine Heavens World that is more terrifying than the Mighty One?"

Qiongqi sighed and said: "The world only knows that the mighty are powerful, but they don't know that there are actually more powerful ones."

Xiao Yu suddenly became silent.

To be honest, he really has no idea about these.

But it is undeniable that these are beyond his imagination.

Time and time again, in Qinqi's words, they exceeded Xiao Yu's own cognition again and again, which made him feel very small and small.

Having said that, Qiongqi shook his head, returned to his normal expression, glanced at Xiao Yu, and said indifferently: "Boy, what I said to you today must have exceeded your imagination, right? But it doesn't matter, you don't have to go. Think so much, because for you, those are too far away. What you have to do now is to follow my method, and then let you have enough ability to stand on the higher planes, and also allow you to save this plane. , You come with me."

After that, Qiongqi turned around and left. Xiao Yu thought for a while and finally decided to follow.

Although Qiongqi had his own purpose and "conspiracy", why didn't Xiao Yu yearn for the realm that Qiongqi said?

Under the leadership of Qiongqi, one person and one beast turned towards another passage.

This passage also went directly to the inside of the temple. After not long, some light was projected from the front, and then Xiao Yu reached a bright place.


When you come here, the first thing you can see is a bright place, surrounded by grasses, and there are still broken walls in the grass. There are many things like stone monuments that are inserted diagonally, or inserted upside down, or lying on the ground. .

It was night time, and it was pitch black, especially near the temple, showing an ancient and dilapidated situation. It was already dark before Xiao Yu came in, and it was so bright here.

When Xiao Yu looked up, he unexpectedly found that the moon was in the sky without knowing when, shining brightly below.

The silver brilliance poured down, illuminating all the stone tablets, and at the same time Xiao Yu also discovered that there was a faint light on the broken stone tablets. His soul seemed to be touched by something. .

Qiongqi raised his head and said, "It is midnight, and if the Moon is here at this time, it will arouse the true ‘Tao Yun’ on the stone tablet."

"Dao Yun?"

Qiongqi shook his head and said: "You only need to know that this small high-level continent was very extraordinary before it fell here. These stone monuments were originally in a sealed state, but they were inspired by me, and infiltrated. Some of my spirit thoughts are in it. If you can comprehend them, you can get a brand new realm before you enter the higher planes. I call it the realm of Taoism."

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